Thread: NFL
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Old 09-24-2017, 08:17 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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I am a lifelong Steelers fan. This takes care of that.

Are there any limits to what fans will tolerate? An interesting question, because the NFL fan base, unlike Broadway plays, I assume is made up of a majority of conservative patriots. But people are addicted to sports in a way that I can't quite understand.

I'm done for the year. I typically make it to a Steelers game a little more than every other year, no more...done.

The protests are just so stupid. What are the words in the national anthem, exactly, that allow one to connect the dots between that song, and police brutality? It's like protesting the price of Big Macs by throwing a brick through a window at Burger King, one has nothing to do with the other.

This is why Trump got elected, it's exactly why he got elected. He didn't talk above middle America, or around Middle America, nor did he pretend that he is Middle America. That's his unique strength as a politician. It's lost among his many flaws most of the time, but no one else has learned that lesson.
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