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Old 11-07-2012, 10:26 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Spence, the GOP doesn't need to look in the mirror. We got beat worse in 2008, and everyone said we needed to look in the mirror. Yet we opened a can of whoop-ass in 2010 (led by the Tea Party, not due to changing the core values). Why did we do well in 2010? Because the lefty media cannot circle their wagons around hundrdes of senate and house candidates, as effectively as they can around one presidential candidate.

The GOP's core beliefs are a small federal government, preciousness of life, nurturing individual liberty, supporting the free market, and encouraging charity. We don't need to re-tool that message. We just need to find more forums for an honest discussion about those ideas, rather than having to endlessly defend ourselves against baseless charges of racism, sexism, hating poor people, homophobia, Islamophobia, war crimes, and cannibalism. We need to educate people on what we actually believe, as opposed to what Rachael Maddow claims we believe. THAT'S the challenge. And it may not be possible, because we only have one network that doesn't paint us as monsters, and not that many folks watch Foxnews.

Example - Obama and the media went out of their way to paint Romney as a greedy plutocrat who cared more about profits than people. That sounds great. But the truth is that Romney, like most Mormons, did a 2 year unpaid service mission for his church. Then, when the daughter of a Bain capital employee went missing in New York, Romney closed the company, bussed the emloyees to NYC, and worked with police to help find her. Yet all you hear, on every network except one, is that Romney is a greedy plutocrat who wants to take from the poor and give to the rich. Dishonest, but effective.

I predict the Dems will do well at the national level for the next 15 years or so. During that time, 2 things will happen. (1) the debt will grow by more than $1 trillion a year, and (2) 10,000 Baby Boomers a day will turn 65 and look to collect medicare and social security benefits. Those 2 things are on a collision course. When they collide, we;ll go through a recession that makes 2008 look like the roaring 1920's, and then things will change.

People are not opposed to what conservatives stand for. People are opposed to what liberals (and the media) claim that we stand for. Big difference.

Finally Spence, if yuo recall, I bet Romney would win and that the GOP wpuld gain seats in Congress. You clobbered me in that bet. So you get to name your charity, make it as liberal as you wish, and I'll give them $100.
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