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Old 02-23-2018, 08:37 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
So since crime rates aren’t zero when cops are on duty, should we abandon the police? Come on Paul, nothing is 100 percent foolproof, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. All ideas look bad, if all you do is list the con’s and not the pro’s.

Armed guards aren’t foolproof. Reagan was shot in 1980. Does that mean the secret service doesn’t make the potus safer?

This is why nothing gets done. When either side responds to the other sides ideas, they list all the flaws of the suggestion. And none of the benefits. It’s not honest.
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Jim the issue is the failed logic by the Right that some how arming people is the answer .. the failed response from the armed officer blow a hole so big in that theory .

some will call him a coward , maybe he was defending Covering the escape of other students , did he know it was only 1 shooter

Even in combat you cant predict how you or your men will respond under fire
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