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Old 10-23-2018, 12:10 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Funny, I think giving transgender people the respect to live their lives in as normal way a possible is a pretty intelligent and moral thing to do.
The underlying implication in what you say is that transgenders are not normal. Which poses the question--is normalizing something an attempt to make normal something that is not normal? And does that transformation, that new "thesis" in your evolution of society, eliminate any distinctions in or between genders? And would that be the end of the evolutionary dialect, or would there be the eventual antithesis to your thesis? And that antithesis can, and would, come from the left and right. From the left, the tendency to evolve would be the erasure of the normal/abnormal paradigm toward eliminating old distinctions until, sexually, there eventually would be no differences.

Actually, the left's notion of "diversity" is a contradiction. It keeps evolving into sameness in order to secure its version of social justice.
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