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Old 11-19-2018, 11:56 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
There have been so many lies and probably a easily a hundred fold mistruths, that it's hard to tell them apart any longer. I'm sure if you google how many outright lies or mistruths Trump has made since he took office the count is considerably higher than the huge number that was reported after his first year in office. How many this week, I loose track, from claiming he talked to the head of state in Finland about cleaning the forests to beating up on a highly decorated serviceman over his supposed support of Hilary.

Just think for a minute how the media's reporting of him would change had he not made all those statements which proved false or if he didn't use his twitter account to show us how civil he can be towards those he sees as his enemy. He keeps throwing dozens of live bunker into a pool filled with bluefish and he wonders why there is a constant feeding frenzy; come on you present yourself as an intelligent man and yet you don't see this?

No, I see a lot of other things that you don't mention, and I don't see what are supposed to be hundreds of lies. I think I see some lies as well as a lot of truths and a host of gibberish. Perhaps I'm not intelligent.

I do care about other things that he's done that Hillary wouldn't have done. I am concerned with the constant and rapid Democrat shift toward socialism and hope that the Republican shift to the left can more easily be diminished than the Democrat shift can.

And I mostly care about preserving as much of what's left of our original constitutional form of government. Hope as well that the shift can actually be reversed. For me, Trump and the wobbly Republicans were by far the better choice. Trump's supposed lies seem rather innocuous in light of what was about to happen with a Hillary and the Democrats takeover of the federal government, especially to the Supreme Court.

If the Republican party can wither into a constitutional leaning Libertarian party to face off against the Dems, that would make me happy. For a while at least. In the meantime, I'll stick with the weak kneed and shifty Repubs.

I think the fishing parallel might get the point across better, after all it is a fishing website.

Side bar for all those claiming (Yeah I'm talking about you Donald and a few on this board) the stock market is the best it's ever been, if he had his wealth in stocks he'd be taking a worse beating than I am lately. I can't imagine what some are loosing, I'm at only a risk level of 3 on a 1-10 scale and my retirement is down 7% from a year ago.
The stock market has evolved into something separate from our actual market place. It seems to have become a market of its own. I have no trust in it. And when stocks began to skyrocket in value while the economy was stagnant or propped up by phony growth, even my lack of knowledge was telling me that stocks were becoming way over-priced, depending on nothing but Fed pumping and would eventually "correct" to some sane level. I suspect either that the level will be much lower than it is now, or the economy will have to be inflated to justify present stock values.

But that's just an ignorant guess. As I said above, I may not be intelligent.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-20-2018 at 12:07 AM..
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