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Old 02-25-2016, 11:27 AM   #131
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
They are.

Did you see her comment talking about white privilege? She wasn't blaming whitey, she was just stating the obvious that blacks and whites are treated differently and we shouldn't ignore this.
"They are"

No, they aren't. Because abortion has always been legal, when the "health" of the mother was in jeopardy. Roe V Wade didn't change that. We are, for the most part, talking baout elective abortions, where the woman's health is not in jeopardy. Your statement is demonstrably false.

"she was just stating the obvious that blacks and whites are treated differently"

Not by most people, they aren't.

Did she talk about black men abandoning their children? That's the catalyst for all the problems, and democrats are very reluctant to say it out loud. Because as usual with you people, this has absolutely nothing to do with actually solving problems, and everything to do with getting votes, which liberals do by telling blacks that notihng i stheir fault, it's all because the system is rigged against them. Bullsh*t. Blacks who have 2 loving parents at home, do well. And whites from poor, fractured families will struggle. It's not about race, it's about socioeconomics. But that doesn't get you votes, so no one on yoru side will say that out loud.

It's not about white priviledge. It's about the priviledge that some kids are born lucky enough to have at the start, the priviledge of having loving parents, and some financial stability. It has zero to do with race.

How can you be unaware of how completely wrong you, and she, are on this? White pepole in the suburbs are somehow responsible for what's happening in Chicago? But not the political party that has run that city for 50 years? And not the people who keep having kids and then not raising them?
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