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Old 02-06-2018, 09:29 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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WDMSO, a compelling case can be made that the Democrats (in the Obama administration, at the Justice Dept, and in the Clinton campaign) conspired to use the FBI in an attempt to help ensure a Hilary victory.

Trey Gowdy said exactly that, and you were the one who brought him up and suggested that his opinions on the dossier were valid.

So if there's evidence of that kind of collusion, how do you expect Trump to react, exactly? If it's true, it's a big deal.

We know that Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton privately on a jet while his wife was under investigation.

We know that shortly after that meeting, Hilary was exonerated.

We know that immediately after that exoneration, Hilary said that if she won, she might keep Lynch on as AG. if that's not quid pro quo, nothing is.

We know that the FBI deemed the Steele dossier to be salacious and unverified, yet they used it as support for the FISA warrant.

We know that Trey Gowdy says that the warrant would not have been issued without the dossier. And since Gowdy also conceded that the Mueller investigation would have proceeded without the dossier, it's not like Gowdy will say anything to get Trump off the hook.

We know that the deputy attorney general has a wife that works at Fusion, the company hired by team Clinton to prepare the dossier. He never disclosed this and did not recuse himself.

We know that the deputy director of the FBI (McCabe) had a wife who ran for the senate and took a ton of money from Clinton pals. He did not disclose this and he did not recuse himself.

We know there were 2 FBI agents involved in the Clinton email investigation who were desperate for Clinton to win. They did not disclose this and they did not recuse themselves.

We also have the DNC conspiring to rig the primary for Clinton, and CNN giving her debate questions ahead of time.

Is any of that not true? Is there one syllable I typed that's not true?

During the campaign, Trump alleged that his team was being wiretapped, and everyone said he was insane and everyone mocked him. Turns out he was right.

I'm not sure I'd say they are treasonous. But they certainly aren't huge fans of democracy, which is precisely why your side engages in mob violence every single time they don't get their way, and conservatives never do that.

Your side may re-take the house in November. Or they may pay dearly for their shenanigans. I'm not sure how much lower they can sink than where they are at this moment (losers who lost despite the fact that they didn't play by the rules). We'll see.

In any event, Trump, for all his many faults, certainly has a legitimate gripe here. I cannot believe anyone is so unwilling to criticize their own side, that they would refuse to concede that there were some shady dealings. You and Spence and Paul S, you have no problem with any of this? Seriously?

As I said, the democrats actually have put Trump in a place where he can accurately portray himself as a sympathetic victim. Well done, kudos to them.
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