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Old 04-24-2011, 09:05 AM   #73
Jim in CT
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Zimmy -

" I said there was some evidence of racism at rallies. That is all I said."

Really??? Here is what ytou said..

"There is plenty of evidence that a substantial portion of the members of the tea party are racist."

Zimmy, you may know some racists. That means NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and it says nothing about the tea party. I asked you multiple times for the so-called "evidence", and all you can do is say you have racist friends who go to Tea Party meetings. If you think that says something about the entire Tea Party, you don't know much about critical thinking...

"Your math ignored a significant part of revenue."

No, my math did not. You, and many other liberals, seem to think that taxing "business" is somehow different from taxing people. Zimmy, this may come as a shock to you, but a business can't pay its own taxes. A business is building and equipment...the building itself cannot write a check to the IRS.

I don't know why liberals don't grasp this...when you tax a business, you are taking money away from people linked to that business...the customers, the employees, and the owners/shareholders. Every single penny of business tax is a penny less that some person, somewhere, gets to keep for themselves.

That's not even economics 101, it's simpler than that...
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