Thread: What a shame
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Old 10-13-2016, 07:34 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
this recurring Dream or Theme seems to the one created by the right hell you have detbuch using phrases like dictator's hat complaining about executive orders (which are not new) regulatory agency and saying it's al constitutionally questionable.... its conspiracy central on steroids ..

Your use of the phrase"the right hell" gives the hypocritical lie to the rest of your paragraph's recurring Dream or Theme. My metaphors are more accurate than yours. An exectutive order which is made outside of constitutional bounds (outside of the law pertaining to presidential power) is dictatorial. The fact that it is not new is irrelevant. Regulatory agencies actually do exist. And they are used exactly as I described. And they are constitutionally questionable as I have described in detail on this forum in the past. That, apparently, you don't understand that, and must depend on politically biased Judges to tell you how to think doesn't give any credence to your "conspiracy central on steroids" conspiracy.

Trump represents the right wish for a Time machine .. thats what he is promising , a path back to the 50's where everything was a Norman Rockwell painting and white was might ...

I never heard him promise any of that. Your metaphor is misplaced. It seems to be more of a tactic to persuade,

he is using the same sales tactics he used for Trump University it will be Great "THAT I can tell you!" or with health insurance You’re gonna have plans that are so good!

Yeah, he is using a rhetorical tactic . . . just as you did. You're a hypocrite.

it's Nationalism packaged as Patriotism 2 very different

Though patriotism and nationalism are different, they need not be incompatable. Tom Paine's "Sunshine Patriot", or Patrick henry's "Give me Liberty or Give Me Death" speeches for example.

this guy sums it up better than I could (or my conspiracy theory)

The nationalist tends to shout slogans to proclaim his country’s greatness; the patriot is quietly confident, aware of his nation’s strengths and weaknesses. In wanting to holler, the nationalist reflects insecurity, low self-esteem, even a feeling of inferiority; the patriot is comfortable in his skin. “Every nationalist is haunted by the belief that the past can be altered,” wrote Orwell.
If you truly understood Orwell, you would not embrace a Progressive for President, nor for any other position of political power. Using his distinction between nationalism and patriotism in order to support a politician who is the standard bearer for a system of government which claims that there are no inherent rights, but only rights which the government allows, shows you do not understand what Orwell was trying to warn us against. And yes, Progressives have stated that there are no inalienable rights.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-04-2016 at 10:32 PM..
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