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Old 09-13-2016, 07:49 AM   #35
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You're an actuary and yet you can't do basic math?
He isn't polling at about 45%? She said half of that 45%, are deeply inferior beings. Compared to her and her pal Babs.

Spence, when you claim the Massachusetts economy is healthy by looking at the left side of the balance sheet (assets) and ignoring the right side (liabilities), and then ignoring me when I pointed that out and hiding under your bed until that thread closed, you're in no position to cast aspersions at my quantitative skills. Or any other kind of logic.

I feel that an unborn baby's life is more important than a mother's temporary comfort (not more important than the mom's life)...that makes me a sexist. As opposed to Hilary, who has enabled a sexual predator, and attacked the credibility of his victims, and she also has defended those who rape little girls. Just what Susan B Anthony would have done...

I think we should enforce all of our duly constituted laws, including laws concerning immigration, because I don't think anyone should get to pick and choose which laws get enforced and which are ignored. That makes me a xenophobe...

I am in favor of gay marriage, but still somehow I must be a homophobe, because liberals are too simpleminded to accept the possibility that I'm not evil

I look at what liberalism has done for blacks in our cities, and I say they deserve much better, and that it is a source of national shame that they live the way they do, and that we have a moral obligation to try something else. That makes me a racist.

I can say out loud that we are at war with radical Islam (not all of Islam), and that makes me an Islamophobe.

As to the rest of the labels she would assign to me with her "you name it" clause, well, the mind shudders at what she might have come up with.

If you agree with all that, you are a liberal. If you think that's all deranged jibberish, you are not a liberal.

It is not possible, it is truly not possible, to be a liberal if you are thoughtful and intellectually honest. Not remotely possible. Liberals scream that I am a racist, then immediately put their fingers in their ears and yell "LA LA LA LA!!!" so they don't have to listen to what we are saying, because they know that what we are saying, cannot be made wrong.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 09-13-2016 at 07:56 AM..
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