Thread: Ben Sasse
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Old 01-12-2021, 04:55 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
That's funny, you think the average American doesn't read, or understand the English language, can't filter real news from fake news? So your view is that America is made of mindless sponges, the left leaning mindless zombies absorbing only what the left leaning media puts out and the right leaning mindless idiots absorbing only the information Fox and the other conservation news (haha) outlets are putting out.

Nope. Didn't say any of that stuff. I just responded to what you said. Nothing more. No need to get extreme about it.

I judge a president by is words, his actions, his policies, promises made, promises broken, integrity, honesty, civility, treatment of Americans of all colors and walks of life and the respect or lack of it he shows his peers on both sides of the isles.

That's a nice yardstick. One that most politicians of late don't live up to. I like most of Trump's policies. I think he is as, or more, honest than the likes of Joe Biden. Or Adam Schiff. Or Nancy Pelosi. Or Chuck Schumer. Or Kamala Harris. Or a lot of others. And Trump seems to be quite civil and respectful to those who are that way toward him. Haven't noticed him treating people of different colors badly (in spite of fabricated accusations that he does). And he seems to have kept more promises than most politicians.

I judge critics by how honest and insightful they are. Those who constantly have to make up false narratives, misrepresent, lie, and continue the lie when proven wrong, have no credence with me. And those who just say stuff and don't engage in rational discussion don't impress me.

I don't need to spread anything,

I agree. But you do. We all do.

Trump has done a banner job of spreading the word, not a lot of help has been required. You will defend him until the bitter end, never anything there for you, facts, events, statements made never seem to happen the way I and others see them.

I have always been willing to debate those things. And I don't agree with everything Trump says or does. I've mentioned a few disagreements, such as his naivete in believing he could persuade Kim Jong Un to give up nukes, or Xi Jinping of actually having fair trade with us. But you and Pete and others do enough debunking and ridicule of Trump that I don't need to add any.

And as I've mentioned, when you have said things I agree with, you won't know that I did because I felt no need to chip in and say anything.

Have you ever agreed with me?

Your a more verbose version of SD, he makes his view simple in a sentence he has repeated a hundred times, you have enough posts for a novel.
I am honored to be compared to SD and his more effortless cutting to the point. I have even mentioned that he probably has the right idea, along with Scott, to pointedly minimize. Sometimes I do. And it is fun. But, for some probably ignorant reason, I seem to think I need to get really serious, and have detailed discussions that expose lies and truths. Haplessly thinking that it will lead to a better, truer, understanding. Instead, it usually leads to understanding that most folks are more interested in their comfortably secured opinions. Most folks prefer to just say what they believe and leave it at that.
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