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Old 01-13-2021, 01:04 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
After four years of Tweety, America is poorer, sicker, less respected in the world, monumentally more in debt and more divided than any time since Civil War. Under him, Republicans lost WH, Senate and House. Think about it. Was it worth it?
After three years of Trump (can't call him Tweety anymore--been lifetime banned from it) what you said is mostly false. That fourth year saw the whole world become sicker and poorer (not sure about China, but nobody can be sure that what China says is true). Putting the sicker and poorer on Trump is not honest. We would have been poorer and sicker under any other President given the pandemic.

Being divided is a two way highway. One side is not the sole problem. Pointing fingers at the other guy doesn't solve it. The division has been growing for a long while. Remember the divide between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street? Couldn't get more divided than that. The aftermath of those two movements morphed into the current parties. If you don't think the likes of Ocasio, Rashida, Ilhan, and the rise of the social justice/Post Modern/and Socialist elements in the Democrat Party are not equal partners in the division between them and traditionalist, "conservative" America, and prefer to put the blame on Trump, I, even further than usual, question your honesty, as well as your ability to think rationally, logically, or with some common sense.

You are, obviously, very intelligent. But you betray that by abandoning total honesty and using divisive, deceitful rhetoric. I understand the use of the rhetorical version of scorched earth in order to totally defeat an ideological or political opponent. But that is war, not honest dialog. Winning a war does not necessarily make a country, or a party, or a person, just, wise truthful, and good. It does not make you right in the battleground of ideas. It can lead to the opposite of all that is good. Many evil people and regimes have won wars and created misery and oppression.

If you are seen as tricky, deceitful, in dialog, your opinions are not trusted. You are far more likely persuade those who disagree with you if your argument is rigorously honest. Ranting, raving, and demagoguery is more likely to divide us than unite us.
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