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Old 02-23-2012, 10:29 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
I believe in morals but dont beleive that always tie to religion. I'll bet my salary Sandusky went to chuch each week. I believe Santorum crosses the line with religiion and politics. If the majority of people disagree, so be it, he gets the vote. I dont agree with him and dont want him to dictate what I do in my bedroom.
Most Presidents probably have had their personal code of morality. Those codes were, probably, not all the same. The presidency is not yet a dictatorship. It is not possible, at this time, for the President to dictate what you do in your bedroom. This is only an "issue" because Santorum is not politically wise enough to keep his moral code to himself. That he has "worn his heart on his sleeve" has given his oponents ammunition to fuel the media with a drumbeat. It has, apparently, worked with you. Focusing on his moral beliefs relieves one from talking about the policies that he, as President, would actually be dealing with. If you are that concerned with government in your bedroom, focus on the form of government you want, in which direction toward government control of our lives has government grown, and what needs to be done and who best to do it to reverse that direction. If you feel that Santorum's religious beliefs are so strong that he cannot separate them from his duty as President, I can understand your reluctance to vote for him. But, again, ALL presidents must rise above their personal code to govern, but that should not mean that they cannot have such a personal code. I don't have or feel a strong desire to vote for Santorum. But if he winds up being the nominee, he'll have my vote, not because of his personal religious beliefs, rather in order to stem, slightly, the tide in the direction we are heading in the way we are governed.
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