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Old 07-28-2016, 07:11 AM   #19
time to go
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
So beyond the symbolic hypocrisy here, I have to point out two things:

1) How the hell is the convention supposed to protect its attendees? If they DIDN'T put up a fence and god forbid a couple whack jobs from ISIS made there way in there and caused some crap to happen, you'd all be saying, "Where was the fence? Where was the security?" (And don't say "Democrats hate walls, so they'll have to figure it out themselves... why don't they protect themselves with spoons because once they've taken away all the guns and fences, we're all defenseless" because thats just plain BS and we all know it)

2) The cost of 4 miles of fence around the DNC in Philly vs the cost of a 2000 mile fence are quite different... Like 500x different. Add to that the fact that people would be pole vaulting over an 8' fence on that border, and you have a pretty weak argument. An 8' fence surrounding a convention isn't "huge" and isn't a "wall"... Call a spade a spade and choose a different topic to bend to your own will.

At this point in this race, I'm shocked that anyone can still be lambasting Hillary, because if she loses, Trump wins. You think the rest of the world hates us right now? You think things were bad under the diplomatic policies of Obama, where we tried to settle things with conversation and reason? You think our soldiers were unsafe with Obama calling the shots as the commander in chief?

I have news for you, this guy is a full on whack job. You can paint the whole "I don't like either one" but the reality is that one of them is going to win. And if its not Hillary, its Trump. The past 8 years have proven that a President with aspirations for social change in this country is borderline powerless, and can't do much along a hard left agenda. The next 4 years under President Trump would be a lesson in how much HARM a president can do to our domestic and foreign status. I don't really like her either, but good god she's a better choice than a guy who openly praises the leadership abilities of multiple foreign dictators and invites espionage from a hostile foreign country to forward his status in a national election.

Give me a break
Unless some foreign entity has the 30,000 missing emails and they use them to influence her. Then let's not forget The pay to play issue with the Clinton Foundation and Bills speaking fees that should alarm anyone with half a brain.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by ecduzitgood; 07-28-2016 at 07:16 AM..
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