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Old 04-30-2018, 09:52 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I don't trust him because he doesn't think things thru, reacts to things without thought and is easily lead astray, all you have to do is flatter him.

I don't know that what you say about him is true. His success in life is evidence that what you say is not true. I get that those who don't like him, and those who are pissed at being defeated by him, and those who want to win an election against him, would say stuff like that. That's just boilerplate politics.

Do you think the rest of the worlds leaders use Fox and Friends as their intelligence source?

That's just sarcasm, not an argument. Not part of an intelligent, honest discussion.

Don't you think they know that at worst he will be around for 6 years?

I don't know who the entire "they" are. Nor do I know why I should have trust, confidence, and agreement with those "they." There's a lot of "they" in this country and in other countries who would replace the word "worst" in your question with the word "best." Of course, those who hate Trump, don't want that notion to be exposed.

Look at the history of negotiations with N Korea and see where we are now.
They have nukes, ICBMs and as a reward are having a meeting with the leader of the USA.

You may want to frame it as a "reward." Others may want to call it Kim being scared out of his pants. And how did the history of negotiations with non-schmuk, decent leaders who didn't "reward" Kim work out?

Rather than not "thinking things thru," as you put it, Trump may have employed a version of Kissinger's "mad man strategy" to scare the be-Jesus out of Kim so he would be more likely to quit the nukes. Bombing Syria might well have been the kind of demonstrations which would help to convince Kim that Trump actually would attack NK if it didn't cooperate.

As far as being whatever nasty name you want to call him, that's up to you. I just think he's a schmuck.

When I said he was a scumbag, I thought I was reflecting your opinion of him, which seems to be the opinion of most anti-Trumpers. Again, I misinterpreted you. You don't consider him a scumbag. You think he is a schmuck. That's actually a bit nicer, but still as devastating. Probably even more so. Since scumbags in politics are very common and our previous, and several, scumbag Presidents have been able to do "the job." Schmuks would be too stupid to do "the job." Even so, you are willing to let time tell if Trump does "the job." Even though schmuks would not be capable of doing "the job."

All the inalienable rights in the world will do you no good if you don't have access to capital or the ability to accrue it. That is what is happening to the middle class and you can look at income distribution over the past 100 years and see it.
It is interesting that the past 100 years have been the time period in which Progressivism had begun to take hold and gradually have taken nearly total control of our society and our government. Yet it is those who are Progressive in their politics who rail against what they have wrought.
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