Thread: Россия
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:39 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Nix claims that for Trump
I didn’t realize he was involved in the Obama campaign, is that what you are insinuating?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I was using a bit of dark sarc in response to your insinuating that we should worry about Trump being a puppet: "The reporter asks if that means the candidate [Trump] is just a puppet, and Nix replies simply: 'Always.'" And you say: "I wouldn’t let this worry me"

My comparison of Obama with Trump being puppets, was, for me, ironic. It has nothing to do with Nix or the data mining from Face Book. Nor did I understand your "worry" to be limited to the Nix business, but about Trump's whole Presidency.

The whole Face Book scandal is being manufactured to somehow hurt Trump. We're supposed to believe that because Obama was allowed and aided by Face Book "rules," and Specifically so by Zuckerberg who opened the door and spread the welcome carpet, to mine, that was all OK. But because some supposed new rules just before Trump's team did it, and may have been instituted to tighten up access to Face Book data, that it was more immoral for Trump's team to do it. And we're also supposed to believe, by some innuendo (again) that there is Russian "collusion" also in the mix with Trump.

My sardonic comparison was inspired not because of the Facebook stuff, but because I always considered Obama to be a puppet.

Always so from the moment he became the Democrat candidate until he finished his term. I think he is a puppet of the Progressive party and its complicit media. He was an extremely useful tool as a racial groundbreaker in the history of the presidency. He is supposedly a good orator. And, as Biden said, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man." Other than that, what did he have? What exceptional experience, what accomplishments? Not to mention his known, but not highlighted by the complicit media, deep ties to leftist Marxist friends and family.

And if both Obama and Trump are puppets, I consider Obama more so.

But if Trump is a puppet, who's pulling the strings?

Last edited by detbuch; 03-22-2018 at 10:58 AM..
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