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Old 01-29-2017, 04:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
There you go again, discrediting the presentation of facts because of who states them, not because the report is unfactual or wrong.

So, because someone has called National Review the "bible of American conservatism", anything in it ain't no good? That is pure ignorance. And having a bias does not mean you are wrong. If it does, then everybody is wrong. And the National Review is not "far right." It is often not only "moderate," but often moderately Progressive. Hey, it has been said that the BBC has a leftist bias--some claim "far" left.

The National Review article that John cites is not giving an opinion about Trumps' executive order. It is clearly stating the parameters of the order and challenging anyone to actually read it. But instead of seeing that or responding to it, you ignore it and jump off the deep end of the false hysteria that it comments on.

And nothing in the BBC article you cite disputes the National Review article which you disparage.
Funny I only showed the source .. and how they lean i didn't not comment on the information contained or dispute what they wrote .. I disparaged nothing I was very clear.. its bad optics and an imaginary threat at best "It was not part of his executive order to do that." his order his responsibility to provide clear direction i guess that didnt happen

It seems your the one actively disparaging those news outlets you dont agree with

The reports are the typical fake news that Trump accuses the media of. Well, I should be charitable, the fake news promulgated by anti-Trumpers and Democrats that the media reports (as if it were true.)
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