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Old 08-14-2011, 11:32 AM   #40
Jim in CT
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Spence, I never said things were simple, nor are my conclusions over simplified. But some things are not as sophisticated as elite liberals want them to be.

For example, you cannot spend more than you take in, forever.

Spence, you are correct, we have been great for the last 100 years,neither liberal ideology nor conservative ideology has prevented that. However, our greatness is now directly threatened by liberal ideology. Here is what's response to deranged hatred of Bush, the Dempcratic party, at the national level, has endorsed San Francisco-style radical liberalism. The Democratic party has moved 100 miles to the left,and that has happened at precisely the wrong time for our country.

Our debt has never been $14 trillion, and that's expected to increase to $22 trillion by 2020. That ignores Medicad's $30 trillion shortfall.

Conservatives recognize that the time for ignoring this is over. Liberals want to continue to kick the can down the road, because liberals know they need to keep mailing out checks to secure votes. Conservatives like Paul Ryan offer solutions to deal with the threat. What do liberals do? Instead of suggesting a better alternative, THEY MAKE A COMMERCIAL SHOWING RYAN PUSHING OLD LADIES OFF A CLIFF. That's YOUR SIDE SPENCE, not mine. Real f-ing productive. Really honest. Are you proud of those commercials? You get a kick out of that?

Spence, we are facing the most forseeable, the most predictable, crisis that you can imagine. And one side, your side, continues to demonoze those who dare to say "I think we should address this...". One side, your side, frames the debate in terms of class warfare, instead of focusing on the facts. Why? Because it's easier to blame the boogeyman (the rich) than it is to say that we all need to sacrifice.

Liberalism is a complete, total mental disorder. "Let's solve our debt problems by continuing to give fabulous benefits to public unions. Let's mandate that health insurers charge nothing for birth control. Let's give out free cell phones. Let's sit on jillions of gallons of oil, because God knows we have no use for that revenue right now." Somehow, liberals believe thatthe solution is to spend more. Spence, I hate to break it to you, but you cannot dig your way out of a hole.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 08-14-2011 at 11:38 AM..
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