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Old 07-15-2019, 07:22 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
In my corporate past if Trump were not the owner or CEO and made those comments about fellow workers, guess who would be meeting with the HR director shortly after, in the hopes the company wouldn’t be facing a legal issues. Hey I’m happy he stepped in it, because while he may have gotten a high five from the old wonder bread he is preaching to, he may have stopped the infighting on the left and he certainly screwed himself on a major voting block.
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So you're saying the owner or CEO could make those comments? Hmmm . . . . So it's not the comments, it's who makes them. If a Dem pol said something like that about some "racist" or "Nazi" Republican Trumplican politician, that would probably be OK with Trump hating folks.

Personally, I don't see what's so outrageous about Trump's full tweet. It certainly wasn't racist. Calling it racist is hogwash. To begin with, countries are not races. And they were personal, said to specific persons, not to generalized races.

And those specific persons, in the eyes of many, deserved a dressing down. When Pelosi called them out, she did so because they deserved it. And the notion that the countries that their parents ran from, and which Trump criticized, are consistently defended by the ladies against US actions, including US wishes to equalize trade with, or get cooperation on illegal immigration, or defending Israel, it makes one wonder where those ladies loyalty resides. And if there is more loyalty in the hearts of those ladies to their ancestral countries than to the US, I would applaud the ladies if they spent their energies and comments on improving the condition of those countries. I have often thought that those who flee their countries in droves to come here because where they came from are chitholes, that it would be better for all of us, including those they left behind, if they had stayed and fought to make their homeland what they want this country to be.
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