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Old 11-04-2010, 08:06 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Any middle class, non-union folks out there who voted for Democrats?

OK, somehow I deleted my post, so I'll try again..

I truly cannot see how any rational, middle class Joe, unless they work for a union, votes Democrat. Can someone help me here? I'm looking for someone who:

(1) is middle class (someone who makes too much to qualify for entitlement programs, but not someone who makes so much that they can afford huge tax hikes)
(2) does not work for a union
(3) lives in a state that has long been controlled by Democrats
(4) lives in a state with high taxes and big deficits.
(5) believes the Democrats have a superior economic vision that the GOP.

If you meet all these criteria, WHY do you believe the Democrats have a better economic strategy? Those who run households know that you can't spend more than you have. Those who run businesses know you can't spend more than you have. If you think governments are immune from the pitfalls of reckless spending, have you ever heard of Greece, France, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, Great Britain? All "light" socialist countries, all realize they must slash spending or go belly-up. And we want to go down that path?

I just don't get it. Common sense, as well as ALL AVAILABLE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, suggest that the liberal policy of tax-and-spend doesn't work. So why did folks who meet my criteria, vote Democrat?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-04-2010 at 09:00 AM..
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