Thread: Let's start
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Old 11-30-2018, 11:59 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Jim, there are not just 2 people on the see saw.
There are people spread out all over it.
And in the last 30 years there are fewer on the wealthy side and the ones in the middle are moving ever closer to the poor side.
I guess I should just realize that middle america is lazy, ignorant and makes poor choices and that is why it is shrinking.
i know how many people are on the see saw. The fact that it’s more than two doesn’t matter.

Pete, consider this example. You have a wealthy guy with a billion dollars in a savings account, earning 10 million a year in interest. Let’s say he’s upset about wealth inequality, so he takes his billion dollars out of the bank, and puts it in his mattress. He no longer has any income, so his wealth will never increase. Thus, wealth inequality is less than it would
be, if he kept earning 10 million a year in interest.

He has helped to reduce wealth inequality. BUT HOW IS ANYONE BETTER OFF? WHO HAS HE HELPED?

Let me ask the same question from another angle. If he left his money in the bank and earned another ten million, wealth inequality has increased. BUT WHO HAS HE HURT? at a minimum, he pays federal income tax on that 10m, which helps the feds fund the programs that you and i both like.

If he earns more income, he isnt hurting anybody - nobody. If he forgoes the income, he isn’t helping anybody - nobody.

I can’t put it any simpler than that, if i put it that way to my dog, he would see that i’m right, and he’s not even smart as dogs go. The man isn’t taking that 10m away from anyone else. no one is better off if he chooses not to pursue the additional income.

Your argument is based on the idea that if he doesn’t accept that 10 million, it’s then available to give to the poor. Not true. Either he gets it, or no one does. His act if putting money in the bank isn’t taking wealth away from anyone. It’s creating wealth that won’t exist unless he acts to create it.

Why do you give a damn if he keeps his money in the bank and earns 10 million a year? Why does it concern you?

How do you not see this? How?
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