Thread: Panama papers
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:38 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
My roof is being done by land scapers R legal need to hire illegals...there R plenty of immigrants that R here legal and plenty trying to come into the country legally...need to speed up the legal process at the border...
Whether immigrants are legal ("Americans") or not, in either case, most are willing to do work that the "most Americans" Spence mentioned are not willing to do, and at wages that those "most Americans" are not willing to accept. In the past, immigration was encouraged because there were not enough people in the country to fuel an expanding economy. Now we have enough people, and have had enough, to do the work the economy needs, but those "most Americans" Spence mentioned are either not willing to do it, or, even more so, are not being forced by necessity to take those jobs as Americans in the past did. And from which they made a living and raised children that did better than them.

So the economy is now burdened by the necessity of taking care of more people than the number that contribute to it (including also a lot of illegal immigrants as well as those "most Americans" Spence mentioned). It would be nice if we could just trade our non-workers to other countries in exchange for their willing workers. And if we didn't accept immigrants who do not have a means to live here without government assistance (as we did in the past). If we just give the present millions of "undocumented citizens" legal documentation, we assure that there will be no need to motivate our "most Americans" that Spence mentioned to find work.

And children or grandchildren of the legalized "undocumented" aliens may also learn to game the system and become progressively "Americanized" to the point that many of them won't want to do what their parents did and become an addition to the "most Americans" that Spence mentioned. A temporary fix which allows millions of Americans not to work will, in the long run, expand the problem.

That's probably why Progressives want to push free birth control. They understand that their fixes for problems create more problems, so have to figure ways to stay ahead of the curve of constant failure.
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