Thread: Health care
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Old 10-15-2017, 08:03 PM   #65
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Just because the sky may not be falling on you or I. Means nothing to those who the sky is falling on

President Trump's decision Thursday to end subsidy payments to health insurance companies is expected to raise premiums for middle-class families and cost the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars.

"Ending the CSR payments is another sign that President Trump is doing what he can to undermine the stability of the individual market under the ACA," wrote Tim Jost, professor emeritus of law at Washington and Lee University

The decision will most directly affect middle-class families who buy their own insurance without financial help from the government. Consumers who earn more than 400 percent of the federal poverty level — an individual with income of about $48,000 or a family of four that makes more than $98,400 — will likely see their costs for coverage rise next year by an average of about 20 percent nationwide.

Ironically, the decision to end the $7 billion-a-year cost-sharing payments is likely to cost the federal government more than making them — nearly $200 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

this guy was making sense until he went all conspiracy theory " The Democrats grasp this. They know they can accomplish The Grand Plan only by inuring the public to it incrementally. That is what Obamacare is built to do. It is intended to unravel, only gradually and with the right villains taking the blame, while the government — having actually caused the problems — emerges as the savior."
Each juncture of the ACA’s inevitable collapse is orchestrated to highlight greedy insurance companies who opt out, or ruthless Republicans — and now, of course, the monstrous Trump — who cut off desperately needed funds. The idea is that when the system finally implodes, the public will be so contemptuous of the insurers and the GOP, they will see the government — the Democrats’ panacea of “free” universal health care — as the only viable option.

This is why the role played by the Democrats’ media allies is so vital

.. this guy was making sense until he went all conspiracy theory ^^^^^ He thinks Democratic were that smart to plant this seed 8 years ago to get single player LOL
Obamacare was supposed to lower health insurance costs by $2500 a year on average.

You were supposed to be able to keep your plan.

You were supposed to be able to keep your doctor.

Liberals say if we repeal Obamacare, a million zillion jillion people will die as a result. If that's true, how did these people survive without Obamacare before it was signed into law? Where were all the dead bodies of the people who died for lack of Obamacare, before it became law? You'd think we all would have noticed the stench?

Healthcare is a stinking, Godawful mess for too many people. Obamacare accomplished very little of what it was supposed to, clearly it isn't the answer...I'm not saying I know what the answer is, but it's not the ACA.
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