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Old 04-30-2018, 05:45 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
And the Conservatives are happy?

Who said that conservatives are happy about what Progressives have done to this country? You complain about the so called disappearance of the middle class, the rise of corporatism, and the so called growing "income inequality" that has occurred during the ascendance of Progressivism in this country, yet you don't seem to connect that to Progressive distribution policies (which creates larger groups of low income dependents), nor to the Progressive growth of "government inequality" in which the federal government constantly grows in power at the expense of local and individual governance. Eisenhower originally intended the phrase we are familiar with as "The Military Industrial Complex" to be "The Military Industrial Congressional Complex."

Progressive policies linking the central government to all facets of society in ways that gives it power over them, centralizes political power, which, in turn, more easily links with centralized corporate power than with a plethora of small business entities. And its unconstitutional network of regulatory agencies creates regulations that favor large corporations over small businesses--which contributes to fewer "wealth owners" as well as watering down the number of "middle (class) wealth owners. Which, along with the larger number of low wealth government dependents creates a larger average wealth disparity as capital flows overall to fewer, much larger business entities in the form of centralized corporations.

So Eisenhower's "Complex" has expanded into the Big Business Big Government Complex. This is a result of the Progressive model of government being that which is not checked by constitutional bounds, but, rather, unlimited in its ability to do what it considers "good"--to do "the job."

This is a reply to the stuff you wrote in the body
Apparently you believe that because Trump says he is rich, that he is.

Trump was touted to be rich by the mainstream media long before he ran for President and before I read or heard anything he has said. I didn't get the notion of his richness from the Don's own mouth.

Perhaps John Barron told you so also.

Perhaps you want to appear to be stupid.

As far as being around for some number of years, the rest of the world's leaders also feel some responsibility for their economies and realize that business needs the ability to be able to plan based on stable relationships, not the latest deal that someone thinks he can bully others into. This is not selling your name to anyone who wants to buy it for a minority stake in a project and if it's a loser, on to the next one.

It is nearly impossible, and way too taxing, to respond in detail to effusive blabber. But I'll give it a brief, summarized, try. Trump has, apparently, understood how to successfully deal with various world business and political leaders. One of his most important tactics is to get advice from "experts" in how to achieve his goals.

You actually think Trump read any of Kissingers books, and developed a plan?

Trump has met with Kissinger several times regarding foreign policy.

I think you could spend some time researching Trump, assume 20% is true. To me, it's pretty scary that he is where he is.
I assume that what you say about Trump is a result of your extensive "researching." But what you say as a result of that does not explain nor negate what Trump has done during his brief time in office. Ergo, I have no confidence in the veracity or relevance of your sources. There are sources that picture Trump as a positive force. I don't care about them either. The actual facts of his doing "the job" unfolding before our eyes determines what I think about him vis a vis "the job."

BTW, I am still interested in how you believe that corporations will lead to the end of democracy in this country, but that judges usurping Congress's power to amend the Constitution simply by rewriting the law (the Constitution) through "interpretations" that suit their personal prejudices, will not endanger democracy in this country?
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