Thread: Gods Intention
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Old 10-25-2012, 10:13 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It would be more circular if it assumed a hard to justify generalization about the extreme. I don't think most people would find any generalization about rape...period.

Perhaps you meant redundant?

His reasoning is circular in that the proof of his redundancy (Murdoch's belief being uniquely extreme) is given by saying that it is like another, presumably, uniquely extreme belief, the Taliban. In other words, his belief is uniquely extreme because it is uniquely extreme.

That's why I supposed he meant something other than unique when he called it extreme, and that by extreme he meant something heinous rather than being innocuously unique. His comparison obviously made it other than unique. And the phrase "uniquely extreme" was not only redundant, but his reasoning was falaciously circular. There was no valid circularity since the Taliban and Murdoch's religion, though, in Sea Dangles opinion, they are both uniquely extreme (which could be said about all uniquenesses), they are different in their extremity.
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