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Old 01-10-2012, 09:09 AM   #8
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To clarify my observation that the Court has no standing in this, I was referring to its lack of jurisdiction on how Congress sets its rules. I would guess that it does have jurisdiction on whether a branch of government steps outside its Constitutionally enumerated powers. So the only suit viable here is against the executive branch. Will that suit be brought? Who will bring it?

Paul S's contention that this is another reason to dislike our leaders is pointing out a grain of sand on the beach of Federal malfeasance. This is another transfer of power toward a centralized all-powrful exectutive system of government. Our national leaders, after having stolen more and more power from the States and the People, are now engaged in struggles against each other. If this is sued in court, we will have, as a result of this administration's actions, the Federal Gvt. (Executive branch) suing states and vice versa over immigration, the States suing the Federal Gvt. over power to mandate buying something, and Congress suing the Executive over trespassing its rights and obligations. The anti-Constitutional house of cards that the tripartite national government has created by circumventing and outright trashing of the Constitution is on the brink of collapsing. We have unsustainable Federal spending, warring branches of government, a nation that is more and more being governed by an administrative state of unelected technocrats rather than by self-governing citizens and their elected representatives, and a People who are becoming more dependant on this house of political cards. Why is the Constitution important rather than obsolete? Had We the People and our representatives been more jealous in defending it, such a state of affairs would not exist. Maybe, this is not only another reason to dislike our leaders, but a reason to dislike ourselves.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-10-2012 at 02:27 PM..
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