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Old 09-29-2014, 11:39 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Obama - "The buck stops with someone else!!"

On 60 Minutes last night, Obama blamed, by name, his director of national intelligence (James Clapper) for under-estimating the ISIS threat.

When anything goes right, he gets credit. For every failure, it's ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS someone else's fault. He never takes responsibility for whatg goes wrong. I'm surprised Obama didn't tell 60 Minutes that he was going to write to his Congressman and ask that Clapper be fired...

What an awful jerk. He'll throw anyone under the bus when it's politically expedient - his pastor, his grandmother,...

Two more LONG, LONG years.

He also threw the Ferguson cop under the bus at the U.N., and that guy hasn't even been charged, let alone convicted, yet, of any wrong doing. Disgraceful.

How long, O Lord?
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