Thread: Is this true??
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Old 11-05-2015, 11:06 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
I would much rather have someone at the helm of this country who had both eyes on the road and not both in the clouds.

As for operating on my brain, I would review his track record... If he had good success with many patients, then sure.. Crack my skull and work your magic.
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His track record is superior . . . to say the least. And it includes success with a lot more patients than most. And it has required of him to have both eyes on the road.

Read this short article then decide whether he keeps his eyes on the road, and whether he can handle both the road and various clouds of his preference, and whether the clouds interfere with his ability to also keep both eyes on the road:

It gives a brief insight, as well, in how he handles pressure, planning, leadership, team cooperation, various problems. And also gives insight into his skill (a science based skill by-the-way), ability to communicate, essential need to be realistic (reality rather than clouds) in surgery, and his calm demeanor which infuses confidence in those around him in his ability creating the calm necessary for a successful outcome.

All the above would be qualities which would lead to a successful President, not a nightmare. Even if he has strange notions about pyramids.
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