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Old 07-12-2010, 10:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ecduzitgood View Post
Have you noticed any more tension/attitudes of some not all non Caucasians towards Caucasians. I have noticed what seems like at times intentional provocation from non Caucasians since Obama got in. for example: noticing you coming with your cart in store and moving their cart to block the way and ignoring you to perhaps see if you'll react.

It takes courage to be honest about feelings on race. That said, I haven't noticed any more of that type of behavior post-Obama than pre-Obama--perhaps less, maybe, if at all. I have noticed, here in Detroit, which is truly a black city, a more optimistic attitude in the blacks that I know. There seems to have been a psychological oppression lifted from their spirit. I fear a bit for their spirit if Obama crashes and burns. There is a lot of black psyche invested in his success. There is also a bit more realization that they may be responsible for the failure of this city. The spin-off from pride in success, if they wish to make that success totally their own, is that they must own and be responsible for their own failures. It is a good thing for their "self esteem" but they must not get too high lest the crash of failure might be a bitter pill.

I have a feeling after seeing Obama get in and then add the beer summit with the whole Gates issue and how it was handled has either made non-Caucasians angry with whitie or feel they can treat us with no respect. Almost has if they want you to react and then verbally or perhaps physically assault you and start screaming you started it and are a racist. It's has if they have had enough of whitie and want us to disapeer which to me screams of people who want to segregated ironicly.

Again, that sounds like pre-Obama behavior. The first requisite for intrinsic respect toward others is self respect. When that is lacking, not only will there be no respect for others, but there will be hate. Some would say unconscious self-hate breeds outward hate. That's not to say that the Obama phenomenon has wiped out all the hate and changed stereotypical black outlook into a pollyanna-fest. But it's, as O might say, a step in the right direction.

It seems as though the more that is done for them the more they dislike us (once again not all). Is it just me?
The little secret that we, in our liberal mode, don't acknowledge, is that doing for others makes us feel better, in terms of self-esteem, then those who receive our "help." And "the more that is done for them" the lower their self-esteem and "the more they dislike us".

Last edited by detbuch; 07-12-2010 at 11:10 PM..
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