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Old 12-19-2016, 11:33 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post

Not surprising to see you trying to keep up the good work of trying to delegitimize Trump's victory.

wdmso reply: Wow thats a lie if i have ever seen one . Trump won so are trying to delegitimize Trumps victory not me ... ..

It's not a lie. It's an opinion. Based on, as I said (and which you left out of my quote) "This time by trying to get us all to be outraged by the alleged Russian hacking and tying that to waving the American flag and Trump's slogan of making America great again."

I haven't seen anyone actually "supporting" the hacking. That it probably happened would not be unexpected, unusual, nor anything that should be a criticism against Trump or his supposed feckless stance.

wdmso reply: Making excuses like they always way do it .. sound like you accept it (support not against )

What I said was not an excuse. It was a factual statement. The hacking is not unusual for Russia. Nor is it unexpected. That you see that as a support for it implies to me that your seeing a lot of words in my quote that are not actually in it.

OK. Let us all be outraged. What now? What to do about it? What can effectively be done about it that has not already been tried? Should we arrest Putin and put him in jail for committing what we consider a crime? Put more sanctions on Russia? Invade it? Jinn up a trade war? Retaliate in cyber kind? Ramp up our own influencing the rest of the world? Pump a whole lot of oil and destroy what little economy he has?

wdmso reply: Admitting it happened lets start there but we cant even get there ..

My statement to which you replied put us there then asked what then.

Come to think of it--Trump would be more likely to do that last thing more than Obama or Hillary. You'd think Putin would be afraid of that.

wdmso reply: But Trump supports are more like the faga emoticon

Your emoticon doesn't address anything I said. Certainly not my last sentence which your emoticon followed.

Last edited by detbuch; 12-19-2016 at 11:47 AM..
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