Thread: Health care
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Old 08-02-2017, 04:12 AM   #22
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health care isn't about giving free anything ... when a Vast i mean Vast number of jobs Wages will not cover the current cost of a Plan ... many who complain about the high cost had just Catastrophic Health Plan .. so lets see people put up what there paying I have good health plan been on the same job for 29 year originally only paid 25 cents a week in 1988 no co pay no deductible now i pay 250 by weekly 850 out of pocket and 250 deductible for meds the 20 co pay after in 29 years 2 kids is my real extent of using my insurance and thats a plan offered to a state who has buying power of over how many employees and its cheaper because of volume

How do you expect the landscaper or business owner with 10 workers to provide health care .. ?? people over 65 dont care they are covered and insurances companies are glad to see them gone rich people dont care they can afforded it

every one else will bitch util the get a real bill then they'll feel the pain and wish they had single payer or roll the dice till they reach 65
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