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Old 11-21-2013, 08:40 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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MSNBC host says vile things aboput Gov Palin

SO a guy who has his own show on MSNBC, said that Palin deserves to have someone deficate and urinate in her mouth. Look it up, that's what he said. This was not a moment where he temporariy lost control of himself, either. These were scripted remarks, read off a teleprompter, with graphics and text on the screen, menaing that the producer knew this was coming and gave it the green light.

The man has not been suspended nor fired. Neither MSNBC, nor NBC, have made any statement. The host apologized.

I thought it was my side that was waging "war on women" (despite the fact that liberal hero Ted Kennedy is the only one with a 'confirmed kill' in the war on women).

Where is the liberal outrage about women's rights? Where is NOW? Where is Gloria Allred rushing to defend Gov Palin?

It's also curious that Alec Balcwin (who also has a show on MSNBC) was suspended by the network for using a homosexual slur towards a photographer, and he did that on his free time, not on air. Seems a wee bit inconsistent to me. I can only conclude that NBC has no issue with what the man said.

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