Hey fellas,
Just finished swim testing these guys. Finally feel like I'm getting out of my funk!
Here are a couple new Musky Jitter-Bugs (sporting Stevel tails
)and a twitch/crank bait.
The one J-bug is a little busy for my tase but it is crazy cool in the sun, it has a couple of chameleon phase shift colors with a couple if different types of glitter dust in it....looks pretty crazy in the sun. the other J-bug is a screw up that I figured i would just get cleared up, if you notice there are some blemishes around the eye, the second layer of e-tex corrected ita nd it's baby smooth but the inperfection can still be seen....It swims GREAT though!
The last is a 6 inch twith / crank bait that with this shape has a tighter wiggle!
Hope spring is treating everyone well,