Political ThreadsThis section is for Political Threads - Enter at your own risk. If you say you don't want to see what someone posts - don't read it :hihi:
Probably the only time I will contribute to this forum!
With the economic debacle we are in and the argument over who pays what in taxes, time to renew discussion of the FLAT TAX.!.!.!
I'll would be willing to wager that if there are ZERO deductions and the wage earner payed somewhere between 5 - 7.5% and corporations paid between 10 - 15% (EBITA) that MORE tax $$$ would be collected than in the current morass of IRS rules and EXCEPTIONS. This would in essence lower that tax rate for most and might even STIMULATE jobs & the economy.
If nominated I will not run and if elected GO TO HELL!
Given the diversity of the human species, there is no “normal” human genome sequence. We are all mutants.