Bob, CTS only makes (3) Vapor Trail models in 12' - 2pc. I would guess that
you have the 1202 or 1203. The 1204 is pretty stiff.
VT1202-2 is rated 1-3oz
VT1203-2 is rated 3-6oz
VT1204-2 is rated 4-8oz
I know you throw SP minnows, so maybe the below will help you.
The 1-3oz will throw the standard SP minnows real easy and well, the 3-6oz will throw them pretty well but a bit stiffer, the 4-8oz is a stiff rod and won't throw the above easily. If that didn't help, bring it to the next meeting and I'll let you know what have.
Last edited by Playin Hooky; 02-21-2016 at 02:31 PM..
Reason: 1