Yakking in Westport River and near Mishaum Point
Rode the tides down to the mouth of the Westport river on Monday.
Got out and walked on the beach and cast to feeding stripers. Lot of schoolies hitting schools of bunker there on the outgoing. Caught
a few, no keepers. May be bigger fish coming soon; not sure. Yakked
back up the river most of the way past the 88 bridge and picked up another schoolie about half way up. Gorgeous day OTW.
Launched off Potomska road on Tuesday (nice beach, parking may
be tight on weekends.) Paddled down to Mishaum point and caught
a couple of undersized togs, had a blue snap off a line. No stripers.
Drove to Barrington beach to catch bluefish; got there just after they
had left *&^**$!!!. My fault for twiddling with line and getting lost on
the way over. Bummer!