freshwater outings in the fall...
If you can't / don't want to get to the salt, give fresh a chance for what could be some exciting fishing!
I have found that within the past week the freshwater action has picked up dramatically. It's probably directly related to the "fall run" phenomenon but I don't care as the fishing has been great!
I have been fishing a number of spos, some old and some new(er) and the change from summer to fall has made me itching to get back!
I was fishing a stretch of the Sudbury river Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and the bass and pickerel were viciously attacking my rubber frogs and rubber worms. Add to that the visual display of 20-40 lb carp jumping, and you can see why I want to go back!
(Kind of makes me want to hold off from doing any ice fishing prep until AFTER Thanksgiving!!!)