I have nothing against people haveing a job.... but do i need a moron at every Isle saying good morning welcome to " Home Depot" can I help you.... yesterday I went in to get a simple piano hinge.... One greeter met me at the door.. thats fine.... the next Isle had another one.... each of the first five isles had some one standing there.. and while I was selecting my purchase a sixth one tried to sell me replacement windows!... all of this would be fine, except when you ask them for something they have no clue what you are talking about... it drive me nuts....then i proceede to the check out... there is only one open with a line....my only conclusion is that these people are too stupid to make change( even though the cash register does it for them) and HD feels sorry for them.....this is my pet peve
... pick up a broom do something constructive.. just let me shop in peace!