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10-31-2021, 08:24 AM
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What ya makin' ?
Sounds like Joe is off to a rapid start.
A porter with some nips and grinds and maybe some beans depending on how I feel when I move it to secondary. Today is brew day!
10-31-2021, 04:51 PM
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Just bottled 3 different brews today
.9/3 I brewed an Octoberfest larger.. I used my Grainfather to ferment, and then larger, I was able to sustain 38 until I bottled it today... 9/11 I brewed a Sons of liberty Sam Adam's winter larger clone ,I built a cooler box for carboy , that in conjunction with the cool stix and chiller kept the brew at 40 degrees. This brew has nutmeg,cinnamon and bitter orange peel steeped in vodka, then added the day before botteling
.. I also bottled a spiced winter warmer ale, this one has vanilla bean , cinimon,and bitter orange, steeped in 14 ounc of spiced rum, added at botteling..I made a red honey wheat earlier this summer, I think that will be my next brew,it is delicious and everyone that had it took some home..that one used a lb..of wild flower honey..I made a black IPA..the recipe name is 3 and out.. aptly named, 1 puts me on my @$$..at 12% ABV, it's a sipping IPA, malty, delicious, but kicks like a mule..
The new electric brew pot is the cat's meow..this thing is so accurate and fast.. easy clean up too..
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10-31-2021, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by rphud
Sounds like Joe is off to a rapid start.
A porter with some nips and grinds and maybe some beans depending on how I feel when I move it to secondary. Today is brew day!
I've only made the coffee porter, might have to brew amother..let is know what you do..
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A good run is better than a bad stand!
11-09-2021, 07:30 AM
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I love me some Black IPAs! Yours sounds like the Imperial kind which would be a new one on me, but sounds awesome.
11-09-2021, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by rphud
I love me some Black IPAs! Yours sounds like the Imperial kind which would be a new one on me, but sounds awesome.
you are correct.. BJCP-14C Imperial black IPA. Starting SG 1.096-1.100 final SG 1.012 - 1.016
14.1lbs American 2 row malt
.5 lbs. light wheat malt
1 lb. dextrose
.5 lbs. 20L crystal malt
.5 lbs. Amber malt
1 lb. de-husked Carafa II malt
Hops: 2 ounces Sterling ( 60 min.) 1 ounce Nugget (60 min) .5 ounces Wai-iti (10 min) .5 ounces Wai-Iti 2 flame out (1 min.)
Dry hop = 1 ounce centennial 1 ounce cascade 1 ounce Zythos
Yeast Safale US-05
Saccharification rest 150@ 60 min. Mash out 168 5 min.
this is a good one.. ABV =11 Color = 31 SRM IBU= 95
I have another black IPA that good as well. but not nearly as complex...this one is worth the time and trouble./. 10 weeks to drinkability..
A good run is better than a bad stand!
11-10-2021, 11:15 AM
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I was thinking Imperial Stout next but I may just give that one a go. Thanks for recipe!
11-10-2021, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by rphud
I was thinking Imperial Stout next but I may just give that one a go. Thanks for recipe!
your welcome.. cheers
A good run is better than a bad stand!
02-08-2022, 10:09 PM
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Porter came out totally awesome. Best brew to date. Stout just went into bottles. IPA likely next. Just have to decide if it will be Joe's Black or another shot at Double Nelson.
03-22-2022, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by rphud
Porter came out totally awesome. Best brew to date. Stout just went into bottles. IPA likely next. Just have to decide if it will be Joe's Black or another shot at Double Nelson.
Awesome... I bottled a double IPA last night, my basement smells like grapefruit! brewing one last winter lager Saturday so I dont run out for awhile..that wont be ready until the end of May/first week of June
Planning on brewing a coffee porter after that and an blond IPA the same weekend ( I have 2 fermenters)..
I really enjoyed brewing lagers this winter, it was my first kick at the can, and they turned out awesome...I never paid much attention to either until I brewed them.. the crispness of the lager is refreshing..
A good run is better than a bad stand!
05-19-2022, 09:41 AM
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Belgian Strong Golden this coming weekend if all goes well. Needed something for Summer.
06-18-2022, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by rphud
Belgian Strong Golden this coming weekend if all goes well. Needed something for Summer.
Brewing a Russian Imperial stout tomorrow..and before anyone gets their panties innards bunch because of "Russia"what makes it a Rusdian imperial is the 11 % ABV that us the result of the original recipe to withstand shipment.ill post the recipe later if anyone is interested
It's labor intensive and complex..
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A good run is better than a bad stand!
07-04-2022, 06:02 PM
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Just wrapped up a Bohemian pilsner..I'll post the results in 16 weeks .
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07-25-2022, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockfish9
Just wrapped up a Bohemian pilsner..I'll post the results in 16 weeks .
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Just put this in the secondary for largering, fermented at 48, active fermentation took a week and a half. Is I transferred into the secondary my wife commented on the beautiful golden color, I had a taste from what was left in the tube.. amazingly crisp, my first thought was Miller High life from back in the day, I started dropping the temp 2 degrees each day, when I get to 35, I'll let it rest for 4 weeks before I bottle..
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A good run is better than a bad stand!
08-15-2022, 04:37 PM
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Hefeweizen with Nelson Souvin hops just about done fermenting.
Just finished some Bell's Bohemian Pils. Very nice stuff.
08-15-2022, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by rphud
Hefeweizen with Nelson Souvin hops just about done fermenting.
Just finished some Bell's Bohemian Pils. Very nice stuff.
Can you get a nice funk off of the weizen?
08-15-2022, 08:32 PM
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do not know, first time and I just kind of went that way looking for something to do with Nelson hops. If you can, get some Fox Farm RAYS.
08-21-2022, 12:47 PM
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Brewing a Vienna lager right now.. wort on the chiller at this moment.
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08-27-2022, 02:04 PM
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Well last week was a quasi disaster, didnt pay close enough attention and scorched my mash.. electric brewer is nice, but you have got to pay attention..I finished the process and pitched my yeast anyway, will do a taste sample tomorrow and decide weather to lager or dump.. brewed an american IPA today.. no issues.
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08-28-2022, 04:31 PM
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I hate it when that happens. Just bottled the Hefe. It sure looks funky. Decocted a bit and the hops have a white wine grape to them. Should be ready to pop in no time me thinks.
09-05-2022, 07:13 AM
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After one week in the bottle it is pretty good. Interesting with the Nelson hops to be sure.
09-06-2022, 04:58 PM
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Did a taste test on the scorcher, it seems OK, I transferred it to the lagering freezer, ill pull it and bottle it in 6 weeks, meanwhile, I cracked open the Russian imperial stout, slit going on, chocolate is the first note, as it warms, you get the coffee and smokey oak notes, this is a great winter drinker, but I can only drink one.. brewed an Octoberfest Sunday, a little later, itll be good for Thanksgiving...next up is a trial on a gluten free beer,my grandsons fiancee needs gluten free, they have asked me to brew a gluten free wedding beer, it's a huge honor, but a tall task to make it taste like beer.. I've come up with a honey red ale recipee..
A good run is better than a bad stand!
12-02-2022, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockfish9
Well last week was a quasi disaster, didnt pay close enough attention and scorched my mash.. electric brewer is nice, but you have got to pay attention..I finished the process and pitched my yeast anyway, will do a taste sample tomorrow and decide weather to lager or dump.. brewed an american IPA today.. no issues.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
update on the Vienna lager...it turned out awesome. no scorch taste, nice Bisquit flavor... I did a blind taste test of 5 different brews (including a gluten free beer) over Thanks giving .. the Viena lager was #2 behind an Octoberfest i made. Surprisingly, the Gluten free was # 3.. followed by a Pilsner and a honey wheat.
Brewed my last batch ( #20) of the 2022 season last Saturday finished up with a coffee porter. I won't be brewing again until the ice fishing season is over in April..I've got a good variety in "stock" as long as i don't have too many visitors over the holidays.
A good run is better than a bad stand!
08-07-2023, 07:56 AM
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a little off pace this year, so much going on, I made the gluten free and An Irish red for my grandsons wedding after party, the beer was a big hit, bottled in plastic Bottles for the first time for convienance .turned out well, good thing it's all gone, I'm not sure the plastic is viable long term.
Brewed an Octoberfest last month, bottled a black Ipa, a Mosaic Ipa and a Saison Saturday.. ordered the grain bill, hops and yeast for a Franconian Marzen to brew next Friday..
A good run is better than a bad stand!
08-07-2023, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Rockfish9
a little off pace this year, so much going on, I made the gluten free and An Irish red for my grandsons wedding after party, the beer was a big hit, bottled in plastic Bottles for the first time for convienance .turned out well, good thing it's all gone, I'm not sure the plastic is viable long term.
Brewed an Octoberfest last month, bottled a black Ipa, a Mosaic Ipa and a Saison Saturday.. ordered the grain bill, hops and yeast for a Franconian Marzen to brew next Friday..
If you need a taster for your Octoberfest Marzens I’d love to try one .. and report back .. they are my favorite
08-09-2023, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by wdmso
If you need a taster for your Octoberfest Marzens I’d love to try one .. and report back .. they are my favorite
Brewing the Franconian on Sunday seeing rain is once again predicted.
so 2 weeks in the primary, 6 weeks secondary laagering... and I'll find a way to get ya a six pack.
A good run is better than a bad stand!
12-03-2023, 10:40 AM
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Imperial Stout finishing up primary. Half into bottles and half onto bourbon and wood for a few months or more.
12-06-2023, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by rphud
Imperial Stout finishing up primary. Half into bottles and half onto bourbon and wood for a few months or more.
Love that technique..
I ve been slacking since I pulled the boat
I.made a cherry porter and a spiced winter ale as well as a Franconian lager but nothing forva few months . Good luck with that stout, I bet its a keeper
A good run is better than a bad stand!
01-02-2024, 11:24 AM
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Hey Joe. Happy New Year!
I was wondering if you use the champagne yeast all the time or just for this recipe since it has the added alcohol. Also, how much to do add and if you use a starter or hydrate the yeast before adding it.
Thanks for the help on this
Bob H
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