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Old 09-09-2019, 08:28 AM   #1
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 13,074
Where Is the Cavalry?

Surely one of history’s great jokes is Donald Trump’s use of the “Make America Great Again” slogan. Trump is a blowhard ignoramus who seemed not to know who Frederick Douglass was; a failed casino magnate whose idea of debate was exchanging playground insults about TV ratings with other c-list celebrities; a serial fraudster who boasted of avoiding taxes, having extramarital affairs, and being a “very stable genius.” That such a tabloid bobble-head should be in any position to understand, far less shepherd us to “greatness” is ludicrous.

The truth is that Donald Trump’s presidency has diminished America in almost every way. The face we present to the world with his America First truculence is that of a tin-pot duchy. Trump once railed that China was “raping” our country. Not that Trump is averse to such conduct. On the contrary, he admires it. (See, for example, his responses to Tiananmen Square, the Khashoggi murder, Duterte’s extrajudicial killings, Putin’s subversion, and so on.) See his oft-stated view that “we should have taken the oil” from Iraq.

Trump and his minions like to claim that America is respected again in the world, thanks to his leadership. That is deranged. The big question world leaders ask themselves is how not to laugh in his face.

His leadership is unstable and ignorant. He manages to be both whiny and cruel. The Trump administration’s approach to the world is one of grievance. We’re being bled white by our allies. We’re being cheated on trade. We haven’t focused enough on ourselves. We’ve been chumps.

Even if you think there is merit in some of those complaints (the Europeans should spend more on defense), the poor-mouthing doesn’t present an image of strength, but the opposite.

The response to national disasters—which ought to be the least-complicated task of any president—is the latest demonstration of his smallness. Which, sadly, has now become our smallness.

In the past when natural disasters struck around the globe, the United States was among the first nations to send in the cavalry. When Haiti was hit by an earthquake in 2011, the USS Carl Vinson was there almost immediately, along with Marines who cleared debris and helped restore infrastructure. The Navy provided food and water, and also dispatched the USNS Comfort, a floating hospital. The Air Force handled air traffic control.

Pakistan suffered massive floods in 2010. Within days, U.S. flagged C-17s and C-130s airlifted 5 million tons of supplies, a down payment on the eventual delivery of 20 million tons.

When a tsunami crashed into Indonesia in 2004, killing hundreds of thousands and leaving many more homeless, the USS Abraham Lincoln was deployed to dispense food, water, and medical supplies. America followed up with a flotilla of 30 more ships, including the hospital ship USNS Mercy, whose 1,000-bed capacity helped critically injured survivors. President Bush asked former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to coordinate relief efforts and asked that all flags be flown at half-staff. Here’s Bush at the time noting the spontaneous outpouring of generosity from Americans of all stripes:

Over the past week, we have seen some of the innovative ways Americans are helping people in need.

A coffee roaster in California is handing out bags of coffee for a $10 donation to the Red Cross. In Virginia Beach, the owner of a tax assistance firm is making a donation for every tax return he prepares. Worshipers at a Buddhist temple in Houston collected thousands of dollars in cash to send to their sister temple in Sri Lanka. Some people are selling personal items on the Internet and donating the cash to the charities. Many corporations are matching contributions by their employees. And several have shown exceptional generosity by donating large amounts of cash and products to the relief efforts.

Such responses were routine. America responded to Japan’s terrible 2011 earthquake, a 2013 typhoon in the Philippines, droughts in the Horn of Africa, and hundreds of other humanitarian crises around the globe. As Americans, we expected to be on the scene. That was part of our might—the capacity and eagerness to be rescuers. That is greatness.

The United States is not unique in this regard. Many nations respond similarly to disasters, though America does rank among the top three most generous nations in the world, according to Gallup’s measure of time and money donations. (Indonesia and Australia were the top two.)

The Trump administration’s limp response to the devastation Puerto Rico suffered in 2017 has never been adequately tallied.

The initial death toll of 17 was later revised to nearly 3,000. Puerto Ricans were without power for 11 months following the storm. Thousands fled to the United States, and a suicide crisis engulfed the island. FEMA did eventually deliver billions in aid, and in fairness, it should be noted that resources were stretched thin that year due to back-to-back storms.

But it wasn’t just the inadequate delivery of relief that characterized the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis—it was the puerile, petty tone. Trump feuded with the mayor of San Juan on Twitter, even as she coped with massive power outages, physical destruction, and shortages of basic medicines. And, of course, he praised himself: “We got A Pluses for our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida and did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico.” He also advised Puerto Ricans that they had not suffered that much. Hurricane Maria, he said, wasn’t “a real catastrophe, like Katrina.”

Hurricane Dorian has reduced much of our neighbor, the Bahamas, to matchsticks. Thousands are without the essentials of life. It’s a desperate situation. The president’s response: “We are sending crews to help.” Where is the flotilla? Where are the hospital ships and the fresh food and water?

One thing that made America great was our immediate response to global disasters. Whether a nation was a friend or a foe, Muslim or Christian, black or white—if a humanitarian crisis loomed, we used to step up handsomely. That’s no small thing. Generosity of spirit is a mark of character.

But our leader is such a small-minded boor that he has devoted the lion’s share of the past week not to helping our desperate neighbors in the Bahamas or to managing the disaster response at home, but to perseverating about his mistaken tweet saying that Alabama was likely to be hit by the storm.

His peccadillos are not necessarily the nation’s—but this leadership is the opposite of making America great again.

Mona Charen in the Bulwark

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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Old 09-09-2019, 09:17 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The truth is that Donald Trump’s presidency has diminished America in almost every way.
Pete, list a few ways in which we are diminished, specifically because of what ways are other nations surpassing us, and which nations are they?

I despise Trump's ethics. Fortunately for all of us, there is a lot more to America, than Trump. The Constitution, the courts, the legislative branch, and the media, all limit what he can get away with...thank goodness.
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Old 09-09-2019, 12:12 PM   #3
Pete F.
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Pete, list a few ways in which we are diminished, specifically because of what ways are other nations surpassing us, and which nations are they?

I despise Trump's ethics. Fortunately for all of us, there is a lot more to America, than Trump. The Constitution, the courts, the legislative branch, and the media, all limit what he can get away with...thank goodness.
Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future. Thousands of new buildings, roads and bridges; dozens of new airports; and several maglev high-speed trains – all of it reflects strategic infrastructure investment.

A few years ago, the nation produced copycat technology products, but now it’s producing unique, innovative products that its urban population purchases via smartphones.

The Communist Party governing structure means that strategic decision-making can be followed by quick execution. The 26.4-mile Qingdao Haiwan Bridge – the longest in the world – was built in just four years.

President Xi has further strengthened the national government by consolidating power, reducing corruption and investing strategically in education, infrastructure and relationships with developing countries.

Chinese universities produce millions of STEM graduates and President Xi has targeted artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles for major investment.

China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Now, is called the Amazon of China, with fleets of drones delivering products. Apple makes products in China, but is slowly being eclipsed by other brands like Huawei. WeChat – the Facebook and Twitter of China – is bolstered by the government, but also censored. Similarly, Baidu’s monopoly as the number-one Chinese search engine is due to the government.

No one debates whether China will surpass the U.S. to be the world’s largest economy; the only question is when it will happen.

China’s ascent is factual. The nation’s systems stem from its priorities, the biggest one being the harmony of the group rather than the rights of the individual.

The Chinese have more people, they have the same issue we do with aging population and we would be smart to allow more immigration, not less. No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China.

We need to make the investment in infrastructure.
Realign our healthcare spending.
Make our educational system work more efficiently.
Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change.

China is reaching out to the world and supporting development, in Central and South America, Australia, Africa and the Bahamas. They will gain alliances and commerce by doing so and are.
National ascendancy is a very long term endeavor, that the US has been pursuing for many decades. It has enabled us to have the largest economy and become world leaders in many fields and to help others, while helping ourselves. Trump's America First nationalism is the start of America Alone in a destabilized world.
James Mattis explains the importance of NATO and the cultivation of allies quite well in various media.
George HW Bush and his son both used the support of allies in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came at a moment's notice. I fear that is lost to us now. Look at the Iran arms agreement for one example. Along with that we have reduced our ability to call one of our allies who seems to have a problem with another, and to work it out without conflict, much like a big brother.
We are seen as the Big Bully more so than ever.
Don't worry, it might be infrastructure week again soon, till then we have the Stable Genius steering the ship along with his children, sitting at his desk watching TV with a laser pointer, a Sharpie and a cell phone tweeting.

Thank you to Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for your very gracious and kind words in saying that without the help of the United States and me, their would have been many more casualties. I give all credit to FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard, & the brave people of the Bahamas..

The rest of the world has learned how to butter him up

And many people disagree with your statement that The Constitution, the courts, the legislative branch, and the media, all limit what he can get away with.


Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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Old 09-09-2019, 01:42 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future. Thousands of new buildings, roads and bridges; dozens of new airports; and several maglev high-speed trains – all of it reflects strategic infrastructure investment.

A few years ago, the nation produced copycat technology products, but now it’s producing unique, innovative products that its urban population purchases via smartphones.

The Communist Party governing structure means that strategic decision-making can be followed by quick execution. The 26.4-mile Qingdao Haiwan Bridge – the longest in the world – was built in just four years.

President Xi has further strengthened the national government by consolidating power, reducing corruption and investing strategically in education, infrastructure and relationships with developing countries.

Chinese universities produce millions of STEM graduates and President Xi has targeted artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles for major investment.

China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Now, is called the Amazon of China, with fleets of drones delivering products. Apple makes products in China, but is slowly being eclipsed by other brands like Huawei. WeChat – the Facebook and Twitter of China – is bolstered by the government, but also censored. Similarly, Baidu’s monopoly as the number-one Chinese search engine is due to the government.

No one debates whether China will surpass the U.S. to be the world’s largest economy; the only question is when it will happen.

China’s ascent is factual. The nation’s systems stem from its priorities, the biggest one being the harmony of the group rather than the rights of the individual.

The Chinese have more people, they have the same issue we do with aging population and we would be smart to allow more immigration, not less. No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China.

We need to make the investment in infrastructure.
Realign our healthcare spending.
Make our educational system work more efficiently.
Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change.

China is reaching out to the world and supporting development, in Central and South America, Australia, Africa and the Bahamas. They will gain alliances and commerce by doing so and are.
National ascendancy is a very long term endeavor, that the US has been pursuing for many decades. It has enabled us to have the largest economy and become world leaders in many fields and to help others, while helping ourselves. Trump's America First nationalism is the start of America Alone in a destabilized world.
James Mattis explains the importance of NATO and the cultivation of allies quite well in various media.
George HW Bush and his son both used the support of allies in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came at a moment's notice. I fear that is lost to us now. Look at the Iran arms agreement for one example. Along with that we have reduced our ability to call one of our allies who seems to have a problem with another, and to work it out without conflict, much like a big brother.
We are seen as the Big Bully more so than ever.
Don't worry, it might be infrastructure week again soon, till then we have the Stable Genius steering the ship along with his children, sitting at his desk watching TV with a laser pointer, a Sharpie and a cell phone tweeting.

Thank you to Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for your very gracious and kind words in saying that without the help of the United States and me, their would have been many more casualties. I give all credit to FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard, & the brave people of the Bahamas..

The rest of the world has learned how to butter him up

And many people disagree with your statement that The Constitution, the courts, the legislative branch, and the media, all limit what he can get away with.


"Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future"

I asked how America is slip[ping due to Trump. Saying "China is investing in infastrusture", doesn't come close to responding to what I asked. Was China not advancing during the Obama years? How is it Trump's fault that China is advancing? Should Trump nuke China? You libs crack me up. He takes a hard economic stance with China, and you all attack him for his pointless trade war. Yet here, you blame him for China advancing.

We need to invest in infrastructure here, I'll give you that. But that was a laughable answer to the question I asked.

"China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors" Again, when Republicans in America do the same thing, liberals reflexively shriek that conservatives are too pro business.

"We need to make the investment in infrastructure"

I agree with you. Our lack of doing so (did you complain when Obama didn't get an infastricture spending bill) doesn't weaken our standing on the planet.

"Realign our healthcare spending."

Agreed again, but also again, this isn't a Trump creation. You started this thread, and your article said Trump diminished America. So you were OK with the alignment of healthcare spending until Trump took over? What has he done, exactly, to change that?

"Make our educational system work more efficiently"

Oh this is wonderful. It's Trump's fault that our educational system is dominated by unions, and therefore hideously inefficient?

"Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change."

Unbelievable. You have nothing to say about China, in regard to climate change.

OK. You posted an article saying Trump diminished America's standing. I asked for examples, and you came up with these:

China is ascending
our infrastructure is dilapidated
we spend too much on healthcare
education is inefficient
climate change

I agree with you that these items are challenges we face. Trump created NONE of them, and the only one you can possibly argue that he has had any negative impact on, is climate change.

You crack me up. Trump created teachers unions!!!
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Old 09-09-2019, 03:44 PM   #5
Pete F.
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future"

I asked how America is slip[ping due to Trump. Saying "China is investing in infastrusture", doesn't come close to responding to what I asked. Was China not advancing during the Obama years? How is it Trump's fault that China is advancing? Should Trump nuke China? You libs crack me up. He takes a hard economic stance with China, and you all attack him for his pointless trade war. Yet here, you blame him for China advancing.
I blame him for us losing more ground.

We need to invest in infrastructure here, I'll give you that. But that was a laughable answer to the question I asked.

"China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors" Again, when Republicans in America do the same thing, liberals reflexively shriek that conservatives are too pro business.
Show an example of "shrieking" and don't start with the disproved trickle down theory that Kudlow, his stockbroker recommends.

"We need to make the investment in infrastructure"

I agree with you. Our lack of doing so (did you complain when Obama didn't get an infastricture spending bill) doesn't weaken our standing on the planet.
The only way Trump can get legislation passed is by putting together a deal and political deals are never one-sided. Trump is not a dealmaker, despite his boasts.

"Realign our healthcare spending."

Agreed again, but also again, this isn't a Trump creation. You started this thread, and your article said Trump diminished America. So you were OK with the alignment of healthcare spending until Trump took over? What has he done, exactly, to change that?
Ending mandatory insurance will not make healthcare cheaper, hence it will not make it more accessible. Neither will ending the pre-existing condition coverage.

"Make our educational system work more efficiently"

Oh this is wonderful. It's Trump's fault that our educational system is dominated by unions, and therefore hideously inefficient?

Issues with education are all due to unions, really? You forgot that it is all the fault of irresponsible parents and failure to go to church. Is it that teachers have a calling and therefor should work for less, or those who can't do, teach.

"Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change."

Climate change threatens a majority of mission-critical military bases, Pentagon report says

Unbelievable. You have nothing to say about China, in regard to climate change.
In 2017, investments in renewable energy amounted to US$279.8 billion worldwide, with China accounting for US$126.6 billion or 45% of the global investments. That is equal to the US, Europe and India combined. In terms of % of GDP it is close to one percent of China's while the US commits 2 tenths of a percent. That's 5 times as much.

OK. You posted an article saying Trump diminished America's standing. I asked for examples, and you came up with these:

China is ascending
our infrastructure is dilapidated
we spend too much on healthcare
education is inefficient
climate change

I agree with you that these items are challenges we face. Trump created NONE of them, and the only one you can possibly argue that he has had any negative impact on, is climate change.

You crack me up. Trump created teachers unions!!!
Trump started a trade war, without allies against China.
He has US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his stated aim of turning China into a market-based economy. Donald Trump, a populist obsessed with forcing China to buy more goods — a market-distorting demand. His stated objective and his representative don't agree and he thinks he is winning. Or quite possibly, he has no clue what he is doing.
Trump has done nothing about infrastructure, nobody knows more about infrastructure than him and has accomplished less.
Worse than nothing to healthcare.
He did DeVos to education.
He eliminated anything he possibly could to do with climate, even the car companies thought that was foolish.

And while you were cracking up (much like Trump) you missed a lot.
So I'll repeat it and add some, keep in mind that even among nations, Trust comes in on foot and leaves on horseback.

No leaders trust Trump, he doesn't have core values other than what he can get.

China is reaching out to the world and supporting development, in Central and South America, Australia, Africa and the Bahamas. They will gain alliances and commerce by doing so and are.
National ascendancy is a very long term endeavor, that the US has been pursuing for many decades. It has enabled us to have the largest economy and become world leaders in many fields and to help others, while helping ourselves. Trump's America First nationalism is the start of America Alone in a destabilized world.
James Mattis explains the importance of NATO and the cultivation of allies quite well in various media.
George HW Bush and his son both used the support of allies in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came at a moment's notice.
I fear that is lost to us now. Look at the Iran arms agreement for one example.

Along with that we have reduced our ability to call one of our allies who seems to have a problem with another, and to work it out without conflict, much like a big brother.
More than 60% of career diplomats have left the State Department.
These are senior people who have developed relationships with their counterparts in other countries. They are the gears that make diplomacy work and that trust doesn't come easy. It will take many years to get that back, but Trumps all set he has his kids to deal with it.

PS your spelling and grammar sucks, is your education why you think teachers should be paid less.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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Old 09-09-2019, 04:18 PM   #6
Sea Dangles
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Says the guy who knows nothing about punctuation!
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Old 09-09-2019, 04:32 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Trump started a trade war, without allies against China.
He has US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his stated aim of turning China into a market-based economy. Donald Trump, a populist obsessed with forcing China to buy more goods — a market-distorting demand. His stated objective and his representative don't agree and he thinks he is winning. Or quite possibly, he has no clue what he is doing.
Trump has done nothing about infrastructure, nobody knows more about infrastructure than him and has accomplished less.
Worse than nothing to healthcare.
He did DeVos to education.
He eliminated anything he possibly could to do with climate, even the car companies thought that was foolish.

And while you were cracking up (much like Trump) you missed a lot.
So I'll repeat it and add some, keep in mind that even among nations, Trust comes in on foot and leaves on horseback.

No leaders trust Trump, he doesn't have core values other than what he can get.

China is reaching out to the world and supporting development, in Central and South America, Australia, Africa and the Bahamas. They will gain alliances and commerce by doing so and are.
National ascendancy is a very long term endeavor, that the US has been pursuing for many decades. It has enabled us to have the largest economy and become world leaders in many fields and to help others, while helping ourselves. Trump's America First nationalism is the start of America Alone in a destabilized world.
James Mattis explains the importance of NATO and the cultivation of allies quite well in various media.
George HW Bush and his son both used the support of allies in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came at a moment's notice.
I fear that is lost to us now. Look at the Iran arms agreement for one example.

Along with that we have reduced our ability to call one of our allies who seems to have a problem with another, and to work it out without conflict, much like a big brother.
More than 60% of career diplomats have left the State Department.
These are senior people who have developed relationships with their counterparts in other countries. They are the gears that make diplomacy work and that trust doesn't come easy. It will take many years to get that back, but Trumps all set he has his kids to deal with it.

PS your spelling and grammar sucks, is your education why you think teachers should be paid less.
Thanks for the laughs today, I mean that. In no special order...

"your spelling and grammar sucks"

My spelling and grammar are terrific (Jesuit high school), my typing really sucks. Big difference.

"I blame him (Trump) for us losing more ground"

Did you blame Obama for losing ground? Just curious...China became developed long after we did. That gives them the advantage of being more modern right now. Not worth the price of being in the dark as long as they were.

"Trump is not a dealmaker, despite his boasts"

Interesting, this was on infrastructure. I asked you why Trump has set infrastructure further back than Obama did, and all you could muster was a lame jab at Trump. Your refusal to concede that Trump didn't invent our dilapidated infrastructure, is very telling.

So any economic gains under Trump are thanks to Obama, but all bad things that occur under Trump are his alone. Can we boil it all down to that, Pete? That's what you're clearly saying, so let's just say it out loud...

"Ending mandatory insurance will not make healthcare cheaper"

It will if the mandatory insurance is disproportionately purchased by sick people, while healthy people opt out. That's what happened. And I'm in favor of requiring that healthy people subsidize the care of sick people, especially for diseases that people get through no fault of their own. I'm liberal that way. But Obamacare was executed in a way that led to way too many healthy people opting out, which was one reason why prices soared. I work in health insurance, sort of. I know what I'm talking about.

"Issues with education are all due to unions, really? "

Let's not move the goalposts, you specifically mentioned "inefficiencies", not all "issues". I have taught in public school, have you? The unions make most things horrifyingly inefficient. And they do much more harm than good, to the students. Much more harm. When awesome, untenured teachers are always let go before low-quality tenured teachers, if that helps students, I fail to see how. And it happens all the time. Nothing is based on merit, seniority is all that matters. It's stupid and counter productive.

"Is it that teachers have a calling and therefor should work for less"

No, it's that they are public servants, whose compensation is confiscated from their customers through force of law, as opposed to the private sector, where revenue is generated by customers making a free choice to hand over their money. Big difference.

"all the fault of irresponsible parents and failure to go to church"

Also a huge driver. Sorry if you don't happen to like that. I saw it, I lived it. Have you? We're spending a ton more money on public education than we did 50 years ago, why aren't we churning out huge numbers of higher quality graduates?

"In 2017, investments in renewable energy amounted to US$279.8 billion worldwide, with China accounting for US$126.6 billion or 45% of the global investments. That is equal to the US, Europe and India combined"

Oh man, this is a riot! So when YOU look at who is helping the environment the most, all that matters is who spends the most, not who pollutes the most? The volume of polluting, has NOTHING to do with whether or not a nation helps or hurts the environment?

My God, your logic is something to behold.

This thread had as many laughs as season two of The Office. I owe you one!
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Old 09-09-2019, 04:38 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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China is more eco-friendly than the US, because they spend more money on renewable energy!! You heard it here!!
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Old 09-09-2019, 08:33 PM   #9
Pete F.
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
China is more eco-friendly than the US, because they spend more money on renewable energy!! You heard it here!!
China has a goal of reducing the use of coal and is, Trump promised to increase the use of coal.
China spends 5x as much of their GDP on renewable energy as the USA.
China is looking to the future with green energy, conservation and technology investment.
Trump’s policy calls for increased energy use, reduced environmental regulation and claims climate change is not an issue.
One is looking to the future along with the rest of the world, Trump wants to return to the 60s.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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Old 09-09-2019, 09:28 PM   #10
Pete F.
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The Stable Genius who is the least vain person ever.
President Trump said at a Monday evening rally that his administration’s rollback of energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs was due to the fact that he “look[ed] better” under less-efficient bulbs.

"I'm not a vain person...But I look better under an incandescent light than these crazy lights that are beaming down,” Trump told a crowd in Fayetteville, N.C., Monday.
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Old 09-09-2019, 09:45 PM   #11
Sea Dangles
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Greatest president of our lifetime
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Old 09-10-2019, 06:25 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The Stable Genius who is the least vain person ever.
President Trump said at a Monday evening rally that his administration’s rollback of energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs was due to the fact that he “look[ed] better” under less-efficient bulbs.

"I'm not a vain person...But I look better under an incandescent light than these crazy lights that are beaming down,” Trump told a crowd in Fayetteville, N.C., Monday.
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he said this knowing that you would race here to tell everyone thinking you were smarter than trump for doing so
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Old 09-10-2019, 06:41 AM   #13
Pete F.
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Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire top employees at the NOAA after the agency's Birmingham office contradicted Trump's claim that Hurricane Dorian might hit Alabama, three people familiar with the discussion tell NYT.
You sort of have to respect this administration's ability to take one fleeting moment of idiocy and turn it into a full-fledged government scandal.
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Old 09-10-2019, 06:55 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
China has a goal of reducing the use of coal and is, Trump promised to increase the use of coal.
China spends 5x as much of their GDP on renewable energy as the USA.
China is looking to the future with green energy, conservation and technology investment.
Trump’s policy calls for increased energy use, reduced environmental regulation and claims climate change is not an issue.
One is looking to the future along with the rest of the world, Trump wants to return to the 60s.

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you should be a professional cherry picker, you know that?
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Old 09-10-2019, 07:06 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
he said this knowing that you would race here to tell everyone thinking you were smarter than trump for doing so
Pavlov’s Liberal
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"If you're arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing."
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Old 09-10-2019, 07:43 AM   #16
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this is the perfect way to deal with the current left
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Old 09-10-2019, 08:39 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
this is the perfect way to deal with the current left
snarky comments?
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Old 09-10-2019, 08:46 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
snarky comments?
you can call it that...

I'd call it responding to stupidity with clever comedy
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:07 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
snarky comments?
Paul, when Pete says that China is an environmentally friendly country, and CNN says that Trump has possibly killed millions more than Stalin and Hitler, how would you suggest we respond? there are issues, big issues, on which i think the left has better ideas. but as a group, they’ve gone completely off the cliff with TDS. Of course Trump throws fuel on the fire, but my god, look at what the nominees are saying. abortion until birth, wide open borders, reparations, green new deal, free everything...
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:08 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
snarky comments?

C’mon, that was funny.
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"If you're arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing."
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:08 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
you can call it that...

I'd call it responding to stupidity with clever comedy
it’s great fun.
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:32 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire top employees at the NOAA after the agency's Birmingham office contradicted Trump's claim that Hurricane Dorian might hit Alabama, three people familiar with the discussion tell NYT.
You sort of have to respect this administration's ability to take one fleeting moment of idiocy and turn it into a full-fledged government scandal.
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This event is truly astounding, it's Orwellian even.
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Old 09-10-2019, 07:41 PM   #23
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It was probably meant to fire up his base Jeff.
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Old 09-10-2019, 07:49 PM   #24
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Don’t worry he has Jared
With Bolton gone, the Trump administration is now almost free of influence and advice from the old Republican Party. Neither the so-called neoconservative wing of the party, which had influence under George W. Bush, nor the Cold War Republicans, who held power before him and of whom Bolton is a late example, remain, with the exception of Attorney General William Barr. Also absent is anyone other than Barr with pre-Trump White House national-security experience. Instead, we have an ex-lobbyist, Mark Esper, at Defense, and Mike Pompeo at State. Pompeo spent 1986 to 1991 in the Army, but just 10 years ago was selling oil equipment at an obscure company in Wichita, Kansas.

We’re in Stable Genius Land now, that ought to scare you.
A couple of real estate guys, Trump’s kids, a few TV commentators, a hedge fund manager, a stockbroker and a salesman.
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Old 09-10-2019, 08:21 PM   #25
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shouldn't the dummycraps be cheering?...they hate Bolton...and since trump is causing such a mess wrecking the economy, tanking the stock market, destroying the environment and annoying the all means he almost out of office for good...right? be happy dummies
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Old 09-10-2019, 08:56 PM   #26
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I appreciate you exposing that PeteF. Perhaps I need to take a good look at Pocahontas.
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:07 PM   #27
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Well, she was a Republican when Trump was a Democrat +\~
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Old 09-10-2019, 09:25 PM   #28
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I think you know who will win in 2020.
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Old 09-11-2019, 05:01 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
shouldn't the dummycraps be cheering?...they hate Bolton...and since trump is causing such a mess wrecking the economy, tanking the stock market, destroying the environment and annoying the all means he almost out of office for good...right? be happy dummies
Yes, I am very glad to see Bolton gone. He is a neocon hawk of the highest order.

My worry is that POTUS will bring in some yes man and every impulsive whim he has will be acted on.

As we lose McMaster, Mattis etc.. from the administration we move further and further down the list of qualified, rational folks to help guide this chaotic administration.
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Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&
"For once I agree with Spence. UGH. I just hope I don't get the urge to go start buying armani suits to wear in my shop"
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Old 09-11-2019, 05:02 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
It was probably meant to fire up his base Jeff.
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You spelled ‘save trump from boo-boo feelings about being wrong’ wrong
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"For once I agree with Spence. UGH. I just hope I don't get the urge to go start buying armani suits to wear in my shop"
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