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nightfighter 02-06-2016 10:07 PM

Gaining traction?
For reference, the NH Republican debate is on as I type;

Kasich and Bush seem to be garnering some traction. Christie as well to a lesser extent. And the last shall be first?????
Trump invoked visions of Reagan and Tip ONeill as how he would be making deals..... Who in their right mind is going to get in a room with him to be lambasted and insulted simply for having a different opinion? He has some nationalist views that are capturing many, but is still a wildcard IMO. His over the top style reminds me of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former President of Iran.
Cruz and Rubio have been rattled and are fighting to regain momentum.
I am surprised when Carson gets a question as I forget he is even there.
Seems to be governors night....I have been waiting for Jeb to show up.

ecduzitgood 02-06-2016 10:31 PM

I think a little lambasting is what is needed. I feel Obama took every opportunity to bash the Republicans unnecessarily. He seems to forget that he is the president of all Americans including the Republicans.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 02-07-2016 05:36 AM

Kasich is the only republican on stage I would consider voting for.. if the election was today

all the others to include Sanders seem to forget they need to do it Via Congress ... it all sound's good in the primarys . Their wish lists

I think once its a 2 person race .. what they are saying now will be far different then

scottw 02-07-2016 06:51 AM

from the Kasich website


By making government smaller, less costly and more responsive to our needs we can get our economy going again and have the resources to secure our nation, strengthen our families and communities, and reach our God-given potential.

Education is a state and local issue and should not be micro-managed by the federal government.

As Governor of Ohio, he has enacted more measures to protect unborn children than any other governor in the history of the state, including bans on late-term abortions and bans on elective abortions in public hospitals. Standing Up for Life in the Face of Opposition: Because of his consistent adherence to his pro-life beliefs, John Kasich is a frequent target of abortionist groups such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

Removing Burdensome Restrictions for Law-Abiding Concealed Carry Licensees: Opposing Barack Obama’s Gun Control Efforts:

Obamacare is the Wrong Diagnosis and Must Be Repealed and Replaced:

The Largest Tax Cut in the Nation:

Eliminating Wasteful Red Tape: Recognizing that unnecessary regulation stifles job creators and discourages investment

he's also been artful regarding the marriage thing

I don't see where Kasich differs from most of the other republican candidates policy wise....

I think if you take a look... I think Cruz, Carson, Rubio, bush, Fiorino, Christie all have pretty solid understanding and regard for the important role of Congress in the Federal government and Constitutional framework, not so sure about Trump....or Obama for that matter or the rest of the dems

are you saying "Kasich is the only republican on stage I would consider voting for.. if the election was today AND ONLY REPUBLICANS WERE ON THE BALLOT" ?

if it's any of those republicans vs. Hillary who would you vote for? because if it's Hillary(pretty stark contrast to Kasich), the rest doesn't matter:)

Fly Rod 02-07-2016 10:26 AM

Jeb should not B throwing stones when living in a glass house....he reminds me of the person on here that lives in a glass town or city.

Any way Jeb jumped on Trump for eminent domain taking....well the Bush family used eminent domain and used the power of government to take land from other private citizens so it could be used for their own private purposes building a baseball stadium in Austin Texas at the tax payers expense....jr. was governor at the time...if trump had known that then he would have jumped all over bush....:)

John Kasich has the most experience out of all of them spending about 18 years in congress and was not voted out, he left....what scares me about him he likes to cut into medicare and military spending and supported a bill to band assault weapons under bill clinton....:)

ecduzitgood 02-07-2016 12:18 PM

You do realize without eminent domain we wouldn't have streets or highways or natural gas pipelines and even electricity. He offered her a million to sell and she refused. He then sought to use eminent domain but lost in court. I see his actions as a person who finds ways to get things done. The people get compensated for their property if it is taken by eminent domain so it isn't as though their property got stolen. Check out Vera Coking home and Bob Guccione and see what was there before Trump.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-08-2016 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1092779)
from the Kasich website



I like what Kasich did in Ohio. i don't like the way, in debates, he interrupts people and bashes all of them. He might be agreat VP pick, he might be abke to deliver Ohio, which they absolutely cannoy win without, no chance.

JohnR 02-08-2016 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1092778)
Kasich is the only republican on stage I would consider voting for.. if the election was today

all the others to include Sanders seem to forget they need to do it Via Congress ... it all sound's good in the primarys . Their wish lists

I think once its a 2 person race .. what they are saying now will be far different then

Kasich is the more interesting to me. I am not as worried as much about his interupting but he does seem to have a hey, look at me complex. I cannot vote for Clinton. And I refuse to vote for Sanders. I have no desire to vote for Bush or Trump.

Sadly there is no moderate Dem in the race.

Nebe 02-08-2016 07:43 PM

Bring Sandars to Europe and he is a moderate. Bring Hillary over there and she is a republican ;)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 02-08-2016 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092867)
Bring Sandars to Europe and he is a moderate. Bring Hillary over there and she is a republican ;)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Why? Because Europe is 20-30 years further down the political de-evolution wormhole?

The Dad Fisherman 02-09-2016 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092867)
Bring Hillary over there and she is a republican ;)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Bring her over to China and she would be cranking out Nike sneakers at break neck speed.....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 02-09-2016 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1092869)
Why? Because Europe is 20-30 years further down the political de-evolution wormhole?

Are you kidding? Their healthcare rocks. Education is great. Pay rates are better. Look at the standard of living charts for Sweden / Norway and then scroll down a long long ways down to find Murika where we have more children living in poverty than some 3rd world countries.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092883)
Are you kidding? Their healthcare rocks. Education is great. Pay rates are better. Look at the standard of living charts for Sweden / Norway and then scroll down a long long ways down to find Murika where we have more children living in poverty than some 3rd world countries.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I love it when liberals point to Norway and Sweden as examples of "how socialism works".

Neither one of those countries has huge numbers of African Americans. Neither one of those countries has a huge, open border with Mexico. Nebe, those countries are very, very white. And they are pretty strict on immigration, especially Norway. And in the case of Norway, everyone has an oil well in their backyard.

So Norway is 99.99% white, everyone has an oil well, and they don't let anyone else in (these are slight exaggerations, but you get the point). And you think that because their system works in Norway, that means it would work equally well here?

Let's move the city of Chicago right into the center of Norway, then let's move Mexico to the southern border of Norway, and open that border. Then let's see what Norway looks like in 25 years.

Apples and oranges, Nebe. Apples and oranges.

We are a huge, open, diverse country. They are tiny, and ethnically homogenous. You want to have Norway's standard of living? Let's kick everyone out of America who isn't white, and put an oil well in everyone's backyard, and then seal our borders tight. Until you do that, you can't compare to Norway.

Here in America, we don't have a lot of poverty among our scandanavian immigrants, they do just fine. Our problems lie elsewhere, and those problems are unique to America, therefore they require a unique solution.

RIROCKHOUND 02-09-2016 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1092887)
Let's kick everyone out of America who isn't white, and put an oil well in everyone's backyard, and then seal our borders tight.

So... you support Trump then :jump::jump::jump:

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1092889)
So... you support Trump then :jump::jump::jump:

Nope, I think he's a vulgar buffoon.

I guess I didn't articulate that well. I am not endorsing those radical ideas. I am saying that you cannot look at a tiny, lilly white Scandanavian country with closed borders and abundant oil, and suggest that if socialism works there, it can therefore work here.

Our culture is just a wee bit different than Norway's culture, you see.

If you put a small number of ethnically homogeneous people on an island, seal it off, and then struck oil or gold on that island, it's not hard to have a high standard of living on that island. That doesn't mean that model works in America.

Imagine if the American liberals ran Norway. They'd open the borders in the name of inclusion, they'd destroy the oil wells in the name of climate change, and Norway would look like Somalia in a month.

Norway is a snow-white country whose entire economy depends on oil, and they allow almost no immigration. Yet liberals like to point to it a sa nation we should emulate. It's kind of funny when you think of it that way.

spence 02-09-2016 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1092890)
Nope, I think he's a vulgar buffoon

Watch the recent video of Trump calling Cruz a pu$$y. People want this man to be President...

Sea Dangles 02-09-2016 10:16 AM

I find Hillary more offensive.
And more of a threat to our nation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1092891)
Watch the recent video of Trump calling Cruz a pu$$y. People want this man to be President...

It's embarassing.

On your side, the heavy favorite denied that her husband cheated on her, but rather, was being framed by the GOP. She also claims to have come under sniper attack when no such thing happened.

Trump would appear to be a jerk. Hilary would appear to be either a serial liar, or a lunatic, take your pick.

Which is worse?

PaulS 02-09-2016 10:49 AM

And yet Polifact rates EVERY Repub. more dishonest than EVERY Dem. running for Pre.

RIROCKHOUND 02-09-2016 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1092890)
Nope, I think he's a vulgar buffoon.

I guess I didn't articulate that well. I am not endorsing those radical ideas. I am saying that you cannot look at a tiny, lilly white Scandanavian country with closed borders and abundant oil, and suggest that if socialism works there, it can therefore work here.

Our culture is just a wee bit different than Norway's culture, you see.

If you put a small number of ethnically homogeneous people on an island, seal it off, and then struck oil or gold on that island, it's not hard to have a high standard of living on that island. That doesn't mean that model works in America.

Imagine if the American liberals ran Norway. They'd open the borders in the name of inclusion, they'd destroy the oil wells in the name of climate change, and Norway would look like Somalia in a month.

Norway is a snow-white country whose entire economy depends on oil, and they allow almost no immigration. Yet liberals like to point to it a sa nation we should emulate. It's kind of funny when you think of it that way.

Jeezuz Jim... I put 50 smileys to show I was joking.

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1092893)
I find Hillary more offensive.
And more of a threat to our nation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

They are very different, but I agree with you.

Trump is a textbook cocky narcissist who thinks his money allows him to do whatever he wants.

Hilary, at her core, is an abmitious politician, who will say and do anything, absolutely anytihng, to appease whatever voting block she happens to be whoring herself out to that day. For example, she was adamant that Iraq had WMDs, and was a huge supporter of the invasion. Until polling showed that the war was a political liabliity, then she couldn't distance herself fast enough.

I do wonder, Dangles, if she gets elected, would she govern as a moderate (like her husband was, in my opinion), or would she just take the baton from Obama and run with it?

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1092896)
Jeezuz Jim... I put 50 smileys to show I was joking.

Well, actuaries are not exactly known for their sense of humor! And as a fairly consistent conservative, I wouldn't blame anyone for assuming I like Trump. I probably agree with him on more issues than I agree with Hilary, but he's too vulgar and bombastic for my taste.


justplugit 02-09-2016 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1092893)
I find Hillary more offensive.
And more of a threat to our nation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Agree, she is just not trust worthy, old school politician,
busted valiese , same old same old.

justplugit 02-09-2016 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1092897)

I do wonder, Dangles, if she gets elected, would she govern as a moderate (like her husband was, in my opinion), or would she just take the baton from Obama and run with it?

Jim, she has already said several times she would follow in Obama's footsteps, but
then again it all depends on what audience she is speaking too.

Nebe 02-09-2016 11:29 AM

She will govern if elected in what ever way pushes the most money into the Clinton foundation and into speaking fees for Bill. Simple.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ecduzitgood 02-09-2016 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092901)
She will govern if elected in what ever way pushes the most money into the Clinton foundation and into speaking fees for Bill. Simple.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Ding ding ding...we have a winner!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 1092907)
Ding ding ding...we have a winner!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

As big of a scumbag as Bill was personally, I thought he was a decent President. For darn sure, he recognized the fact that it was his job to serve all of us, not just the Democrats. He knew how to lead wihtout always dividing us. Obama could learn a lesson there.

Sea Dangles 02-09-2016 01:32 PM

Her platform is essentially finishing what Barry started.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 02-09-2016 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092883)
Are you kidding? Their healthcare rocks. Education is great. Pay rates are better. Look at the standard of living charts for Sweden / Norway and then scroll down a long long ways down to find Murika where we have more children living in poverty than some 3rd world countries.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You can't imagine what the influx of Syrian refugees has done to Sweden. A real shame for a a culture that is used to things going smoothly.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1092913)
Her platform is essentially finishing what Barry started.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

That is absolutely what she is saying, you are 100% correct. I just wonder if she is sincere about that, or if she is just saying that, because she knows that's what she needs to say, to get the nomination of her party.

What she is saying, is way to the left of where her husband governed. Which I guess shows you how far that party has drifted to the left since 2000.

Jim in CT 02-09-2016 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1092914)
You can't imagine what the influx of Syrian refugees has done to Sweden. A real shame for a a culture that is used to things going smoothly.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Also true, and the native Swedes appear to have had it up to their eyeballs with the refugees and their absolute refusal to assimmilate.

Nebe 02-10-2016 11:56 AM

This is what I see happening when Bernie is elected.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 02-10-2016 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092981)
This is what I see happening when Bernie is elected.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

then there's reality.......

"Sen. Bernard Sanders‘ promises of a democratic socialist revolution have enthralled liberal voters this campaign season, but the Vermont independent’s legislative record shows he has had a tough time turning his progressive vision into reality.

During his quarter-century in Congress, Mr. Sanders has been the chief sponsor of just three bills that were signed into law: two renaming U.S. Postal Service offices in his home state of Vermont and one that increased the annual cost-of-living raise for veterans’ benefits, which he secured as chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee in 2013."

maybe we'll get some more post offices renamed....I think he's meeting with his running mate today...Rev. Al Sharpton


Jim in CT 02-10-2016 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092981)
This is what I see happening when Bernie is elected.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe, this is the projection of en economist who admits he is a fan of socialism.

Most other economists are confident it would be a disaster.

Nebe, the places you suggested as examples of wehre socialism "works", are tiny, lilly white countries that don't allow significant immigration, and in the case of Norway, they have more oil than they know what to do with.

On the GOP side, fatty is out. I wonder if that helps Kasich more than Rubio. Carson, Bush, Fiorina need to go as well.

Jim in CT 02-10-2016 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1092984)
then there's reality.......

I think he's meeting with his running mate today...Rev. Al Sharpton


If he somehow gets the nomination, his running mate is going to be Lie-awatha, Liz Warren. She want-um teepee of great white chief.

Nebe 02-10-2016 01:56 PM

We shall see. My point here and I should have voiced it is that I see the economy picking up. Higher wages equals more spending and the fly wheels turn faster.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 02-10-2016 02:01 PM

Hillary ended up with more delegates in NH then Bernie I believe . The fix is in . The Democrats don't care about your vote .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-10-2016 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1092997)
Hillary ended up with more delegates in NH then Bernie I believe . The fix is in . The Democrats don't care about your vote .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Is that true? He detroyed her in the votes.

The powers-that-be, will never let him get the nomination, and if he somehow got it, Hilary (or Biden or Gore) would run as a 3rd party.

Jim in CT 02-10-2016 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1092996)
We shall see. My point here and I should have voiced it is that I see the economy picking up. Higher wages equals more spending and the fly wheels turn faster.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

If wages rise because th emarketplace calls for that, that's a good thing. If wages rise because the government arbitrarily decides it knows what wages should be, that would likely be bad. Nebe, they can't just print off enough money to give each of us $1 million, it doesn't work.

The value of something, is that which someone is willing to pay for it, not what some activist wishes it to be.

scottw 02-10-2016 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1093000)
If wages rise because th emarketplace calls for that, that's a good thing. If wages rise because the government arbitrarily decides it knows what wages should be, that would likely be bad. Nebe, they can't just print off enough money to give each of us $1 million, it doesn't work.

The value of something, is that which someone is willing to pay for it, not what some activist wishes it to be.

that's why they're exploring negative interest rates (like in Europe)...sure sign of a burgeoning economy :uhuh:

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