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wdmso 10-16-2016 04:49 PM

Trump polls are rigged

Sea Dangles 10-16-2016 10:33 PM

Why the caps?
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ecduzitgood 10-16-2016 11:54 PM

It depends on the definition of rigged.
Here is some proof of Democrats rigging an election and actually being convicted.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-17-2016 05:29 AM

depends on what the definition of "rig" is....

"party of love" behaving badly once again

bombing the other party's election headquarters would be one way to rig or otherwise affect an election

historically and currently

between the gross media bias, threats and assaults on those that disagree with them, repeated and historical attempts to undermine the voting and election processes through fraud and other misdeeds....attempts to suppress voter turn out....when your candidate is as crooked and corrupt as can assume very little will be on the up and up

one could easily say the democrats in conjunction with the biased mainstream media, all of their little disparate factions and Wall Street, special interests are working to "rig" this election...probably every election they can get their grubby little hands on ;)

and I believe the democrats would be quite satisfied with the results of any "in their favor" rigged election :rotf2:

Raven 10-17-2016 06:12 AM

who rigged
they rigged.........
whose they?
those guys
that are
most sneaky

quote: We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f*****g #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&s for fifty years,
and we’re not going to stop now,

we’re just going to find a different way of doing it."

even more sneakily :uhuh:

JohnR 10-17-2016 07:45 AM

I don't think there is much technical rigging going on but there is certainly bias and opinion in reporting.

This will lead to some believing it is rigged confirming the words pouting out of DT's mouth.

Nebe 10-17-2016 07:50 AM

If there was not bias and funny business, Bernie would be debating either Cruz or Rubio right now
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 10-17-2016 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1110596)
If there was not bias and funny business, Bernie would be debating either Cruz or Rubio right now
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Perhaps, perhaps not. But you did forget Super Delegates - with the Republicans had Super Delegates.

The bad thing is we have watched the left protest the last 5 decades, sometimes violently. The right has yet to protest - pray they don't.

hq2 10-17-2016 08:02 AM


I don't think there is much technical rigging going on but there is certainly bias and opinion in reporting.

This will lead to some believing it is rigged confirming the words pouting out of DT's mouth.
Yup. About gets it right. No doubt but that the media are pouring it on the Donald now, but I think they feel responsible for creating this mess in the first place. I mean, they gave him like $2 billion in free air time last year, and this is what happened. Without that, this never would have occurred.

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1110594)
I don't think there is much technical rigging going on but there is certainly bias and opinion in reporting.

This will lead to some believing it is rigged confirming the words pouting out of DT's mouth.


The media could not be more in the tank. Now it turns out that someone on Hilary's team had some debate questions, word-for-word, ahead of the debate? Is that what the media is for? And CNN is warning people not to pay attention when other networks discuss the damaging-to-Hilary info in the hacked emails?

The GOP is going to have a tough time in presidential elections. We nominated Ward Cleaver in 2012, and the media made him out to be a ruthless tycoon who didn't care about women dying of cancer. The GOP made their job a bit easier this time, for sure.

JohnR 10-17-2016 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110600)
Yup. About gets it right. No doubt but that the media are pouring it on the Donald now, but I think they feel responsible for creating this mess in the first place. I mean, they gave him like $2 billion in free air time last year, and this is what happened. Without that, this never would have occurred.

Interesting how that worked. They covered DT round the clock for ratings - and he grew and took everything over. Now (we for a while now) they are trashing him (justly and unjustly) around the clock.

Going to get real ugly as the witnessed bias in the press will be the defacto bias / scapegoat for this election. And he is tool enough to use it.

Slipknot 10-17-2016 08:28 AM

Why don't we just elect the media as our government while we are at it?:morons::fence::rocketem::rumble:

Raven 10-17-2016 08:43 AM

was it the media that called time out on the pats game?
someone did :huh:

one superb thing.............. Nancy Grace is Gone

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by hq2 (Post 1110600)
Yup. About gets it right. No doubt but that the media are pouring it on the Donald now, but I think they feel responsible for creating this mess in the first place. I mean, they gave him like $2 billion in free air time last year, and this is what happened. Without that, this never would have occurred.

The media could not be happier that they gave Trump that airtime. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because Hilary could not beat anyone else that was running as a GOP candidate.

Trump's nomination was a result of a lot of things. First, was anger. Voters were angry at the GOP establishment for not fighting for conservative principles. and they (including me) had enough of Obama repeatedly telling everyone for the last 8 years, that conservatives are disgusting racists. No one challenges Weird Harold when he says that, so I can see why people were attracted to the one guy would elbow back when the left throws cheap shots.

DZ 10-17-2016 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110613)
The media could not be happier that they gave Trump that airtime. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because Hilary could not beat anyone else that was running as a GOP candidate.

Trump's nomination was a result of a lot of things. First, was anger. Voters were angry at the GOP establishment for not fighting for conservative principles. and they (including me) had enough of Obama repeatedly telling everyone for the last 8 years, that conservatives are disgusting racists. No one challenges Weird Harold when he says that, so I can see why people were attracted to the one guy would elbow back when the left throws cheap shots.

Well said.

JohnR 10-17-2016 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110613)
The media could not be happier that they gave Trump that airtime. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because Hilary could not beat anyone else that was running as a GOP candidate.

Trump's nomination was a result of a lot of things. First, was anger. Voters were angry at the GOP establishment for not fighting for conservative principles. and they (including me) had enough of Obama repeatedly telling everyone for the last 8 years, that conservatives are disgusting racists. No one challenges Weird Harold when he says that, so I can see why people were attracted to the one guy would elbow back when the left throws cheap shots.

Lots of good people have been left behind and marginalized. "deplorable" "gun toting bible clingers" "racists" etc - that is a broad an unnecessary brush.

Weird Harold? Is that supposed to be Obama? Don't be an a$$ and fuel the thing you are supposedly against - it isn't pretty when the left does it and it isn't pretty when the right does it.

RIROCKHOUND 10-17-2016 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110613)
The media could not be happier that they gave Trump that airtime. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because Hilary could not beat anyone else that was running as a GOP candidate.

The media could not be more in the tank for Trump, simply due to profits. Hence the rampant free airtime during the Primary process to the present. They can't help he keeps shooting his own kneecaps.

Trump = page views and ratings. If any media outlet wants Hillary it is Fox; will be a lot better to have her to rail against rather than defending Trump...

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1110616)
The media could not be more in the tank for Trump, simply due to profits. Hence the rampant free airtime during the Primary process to the present. They can't help he keeps shooting his own kneecaps.

Trump = page views and ratings. If any media outlet wants Hillary it is Fox; will be a lot better to have her to rail against rather than defending Trump...

"The media could not be more in the tank for Trump"

In the primary, yes. In the general, no sir.

You are saying the media wants him to win? So why did ABC give Hilary debate questions ahead of time? Why did NBC hold the Trump sex talk tape for months after they had it?

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1110615)
Lots of good people have been left behind and marginalized. "deplorable" "gun toting bible clingers" "racists" etc - that is a broad an unnecessary brush.

Weird Harold? Is that supposed to be Obama? Don't be an a$$ and fuel the thing you are supposedly against - it isn't pretty when the left does it and it isn't pretty when the right does it.

Yes, that is Obama. You want me to stop, I stop. But if someone spends 8 years portraying the beliefs of half the country as hatemongering, I don't think it makes me an azz if I stop playing fake nice to said person. He has earned no better from anyone with a conscience.

I don't know what unites us as a country anymore, I sincerely do not.

buckman 10-17-2016 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1110616)
The media could not be more in the tank for Trump, simply due to profits. Hence the rampant free airtime during the Primary process to the present. They can't help he keeps shooting his own kneecaps.

Trump = page views and ratings. If any media outlet wants Hillary it is Fox; will be a lot better to have her to rail against rather than defending Trump...

Yikes ???
Google the number of negative stories about Trump compared to the negative stories about Hillary and the air time . Granted with the brainless public we now have, sex stories get better ratings than email stories . We are so screwed
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 10-17-2016 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110619)
Yes, that is Obama. You want me to stop, I stop. But if someone spends 8 years portraying the beliefs of half the country as hatemongering, I don't think it makes me an azz if I stop playing fake nice to said person. He has earned no better from anyone with a conscience.

I don't know what unites us as a country anymore, I sincerely do not.

Call out Obama if you need to but not some caricature of him - move to the facts without the unnessary crap. When the left for years called Bushhitler it showed poor taste - don't repeat the mistake.

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1110631)
Call out Obama if you need to but not some caricature of him - move to the facts without the unnessary crap. When the left for years called Bushhitler it showed poor taste - don't repeat the mistake.

Can't argue with logic that sound.

wdmso 10-17-2016 01:03 PM

So if the system isn't rigged ? is Trump being dishonest fear mongering or excuse making or feeding the base what they believe

Why has no one on the right questioned wiki leaks Clear attempts to stop clinton (other then common mission) who are these people why only Clinton I would think the could or have hacked RNC or even Trumps accounts ... Do you think they actually feel Tumps a Better Choice ??

In the final weeks of a dizzying presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump is suddenly embracing an unlikely ally: The document-spilling group WikiLeaks, which Republicans denounced when it published classified State Department cables and Pentagon secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Republicans have opened a pandora's box not just for Future elections but for the United States as a whole, by giving legitimacy to theses sites ... Thought he was the Law and order Guy I guess not

Palin’s E-Mail Account Hacked

the McCain campaign acknowledged the breach in a statement from campaign manager, Rick Davis: “This is a shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment.”

Kernell was sentenced on November 12, 2010, to one year plus a day in federal custody

buckman 10-17-2016 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110643)
So if the system isn't rigged ? is Trump being dishonest fear mongering or excuse making or feeding the base what they believe

Why has no one on the right questioned wiki leaks Clear attempts to stop clinton (other then common mission) who are these people why only Clinton I would think the could or have hacked RNC or even Trumps accounts ... Do you think they actually feel Tumps a Better Choice ??

In the final weeks of a dizzying presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump is suddenly embracing an unlikely ally: The document-spilling group WikiLeaks, which Republicans denounced when it published classified State Department cables and Pentagon secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Republicans have opened a pandora's box not just for Future elections but for the United States as a whole, by giving legitimacy to theses sites ...

Trump tried it with B Clintons past sexual issues and now its bitting him back

Yea and you complained when pictures of Gitmo surfaced under Bush . Give me a break . Ever heard of Karma ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-17-2016 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110643)
So if the system isn't rigged ? is Trump being dishonest fear mongering or excuse making or feeding the base what they believe

Why has no one on the right questioned wiki leaks Clear attempts to stop clinton (other then common mission) who are these people why only Clinton I would think the could or have hacked RNC or even Trumps accounts ... Do you think they actually feel Tumps a Better Choice ??

In the final weeks of a dizzying presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump is suddenly embracing an unlikely ally: The document-spilling group WikiLeaks, which Republicans denounced when it published classified State Department cables and Pentagon secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Republicans have opened a pandora's box not just for Future elections but for the United States as a whole, by giving legitimacy to theses sites ...

Trump tried it with B Clintons past sexual issues and now its bitting him back

Trump owns a lot of the blame for this.

But if you deny that the media has their thumb on the scale for the democrats, I don't know what to say.

The media is reporting on his lack of morals (which is fine) but largely ignoring her scandals. CNN is actually telling viewers that it's illegal for them to read any of the hacked emails that are damaging to her. ABC leaked at least one debate question to the Clinton camp (shocker, since the 'moderator' used to work for Hilary.

Does that mean it's "rigged"? If the entire media, except one TV station, is rooting for her on the air?

"Why has no one on the right questioned wiki leaks Clear attempts to stop Clinton"

Because the media is largely ignoring the entire story of the emails. Look, if you want me to concede that Wikileaks is rooting for Trump, I concede that. But if the media ignores thos eemails and talks non-stop about how evil Trump is, than the leaked emails aren't doing her any damage.

Can you answer a question (you don't like doing that, I know)? Anything in those emails bother you? Her campaign's views on Catholics, for example?

PaulS 10-17-2016 01:44 PM

McCain complained about the same thing.

in 2008, McCain said, "We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama's relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

McCain made the comments about then-presidential candidate Obama's connections to ACORN during a debate with Obama, in which Obama refuted McCain's claims.

ecduzitgood 10-17-2016 01:45 PM

I am still trying to grasp how anyone could have voted a governor back into office when he raised sales tax by 25% for everyone.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ecduzitgood 10-17-2016 11:40 PM

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 10-18-2016 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110645)
Trump owns a lot of the blame for this.

But if you deny that the media has their thumb on the scale for the democrats, I don't know what to say.

The media is reporting on his lack of morals (which is fine) but largely ignoring her scandals. CNN is actually telling viewers that it's illegal for them to read any of the hacked emails that are damaging to her. ABC leaked at least one debate question to the Clinton camp (shocker, since the 'moderator' used to work for Hilary.

Does that mean it's "rigged"? If the entire media, except one TV station, is rooting for her on the air?

"Why has no one on the right questioned wiki leaks Clear attempts to stop Clinton"

Because the media is largely ignoring the entire story of the emails. Look, if you want me to concede that Wikileaks is rooting for Trump, I concede that. But if the media ignores thos eemails and talks non-stop about how evil Trump is, than the leaked emails aren't doing her any damage.

Can you answer a question (you don't like doing that, I know)? Anything in those emails bother you? Her campaign's views on Catholics, for example?

Jim if the media is ignoring then how do all know its happening again there has been no smoking gun in theses email and the one trump used was found out to be a fake..

Her campaign's views on Catholics

you mean 2011 Mr. Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, who is now a senior Clinton campaign official,(not then) received a note from their Center for American Progress colleague John Halpin the Had nothing to do with her campaigns position on Catholics.. again facts dont matter

“must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations.”
another attempt to attach something to Clinton that had nothing to do with Clinton

Get back to me when She runs on Hate ,, thats the issue Trump speaks His hate openly it and I am Glad for that ..

you do go thru Great lengths to defend Donald can you articulate why he should be POTUS his policys postions how they will be funded beside the usual Answer JUST Because

wdmso 10-18-2016 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1110644)
Yea and you complained when pictures of Gitmo surfaced under Bush . Give me a break . Ever heard of Karma ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I didn't but again

But clearly you have no Idea what your taking about again if you see her email and Torture in the same light

please lets see your Link

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