Thread: Snowden
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Old 06-28-2013, 06:33 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
More than quite a few

Wow . . . Congrats on creating a new locution (or one I don't remember hearing) meaning . . . well, I'm not quite sure . . . a whole lot? Scads? Gazillions? Just so many that it must be true?


Oh yeah . . . economists . . . those "experts" who can't all agree on economic predictions, outcomes, or realities. Unless, perhaps, if more than quite a few say so.

believe that the illegal immigrants who participate in the workforce

Ah . . . let us ignore the millions who don't and who tap into various welfare schemes subsidized by the rest of us, and the more than quite a few who participate in various forms of crime and havoc.

have a net positive impact on the US economy. More growth with lower inflation...

Hmmm . . . illegals have a positive (more positive?) impact on the US economy than legal folks? And more than the 50 million that were aborted could have had? Oookay . . . now I get it. Create a welfare state where legal citizens can comfortably choose to be a drag on the "economy" by not "participating" in the workforce and make it easy and accessible to get abortions, then encourage illegals to take their and the aborted children's place, at a suppressed wage and this will have net positive results.

And then the second and third generations born to the illegals can catch on to the subsidy train and not participate in the workforce and even larger waves of illegals will be necessary to create enough growth to subsidize the more than quite a few more non-participating population.

Gotta love the great insights of the economists that have helped us to create more than quite a few trillions of dollars in debt.

To compare this with a single person breaking the law to expose what are known as lawful programs and doing some pretty serious harm to US interests doesn't make a lot of sense.

Yes, to compare all the above, and more than quite a few consequences of illegal immigration on U.S. interests doesn't even begin to calculate the net positive on the U.S. economy.

Snowden, "the single person breaking the law" (which, I believe, every single person among the illegal immigrants did) and who exposed "what are known" as "lawful programs" (which run counter to the Constitution) is obviously a far greater, more than quite far, danger to U.S. interest.

Ergo, bring in the illegals, and fry the poor slob who exposed the State's methods. The treatment the State gives to one as opposed to the other exposes another of its "secret" agendas.

Last edited by detbuch; 06-28-2013 at 09:13 PM..
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