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Old 04-12-2014, 06:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I didn't say anything about Ids. cons. continue to shorten voting hours bc they know the poor have difficulty getting to the polls during normal voting hours. You have cons. Saying they shorten the hours for exactly that reason. I guess spence shouldn't have used the word "appear" since that is exactly the reason cons, have changed the voting rules, My grandmother never had an id.
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In your grandmother's day they probably didn't have expanded voting hours and maybe not even absentee ballots. If not in her day, in somebody else's day. And if we go back far enough, most people knew most everybody else in their voting community. And life was probably more simple to the point of not needing id. There has always been some voter fraud. Various documented cases may make it more prevalent now. I may be old enough to be your grand father, I don't know how old you are, but I remember when election day was the day to vote. I don't know how it came to be that it was more difficult for the poor than the not poor to vote because of that. If you had a job, many employers gave a couple of hours off either in the morning or at the end of the shift to vote. And if you didn't have a job, you actually had more time to vote. And if transportation was a problem for one day, how was it not a problem for another day. And if there is a problem which makes it difficult to get to the polls either on a given day or at all, absentee ballot is available. And if you're in line before polls close, you will be allowed to vote. Which cons say that voting time should be shortened in order to prevent the poor from voting? And the voting rules have been changed before. That's not something new.
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