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Old 11-29-2015, 08:15 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
"If that same pressure and coverage was placed on the highest cause, black on black murder.
But doing that, would require liberals to (1) put the race card back in the deck where it belongs, and (2) frame an issue honestly, rather than demonize an invented boogeyman. They don't like to do that. Consider abortion. Do liberals say the intellectually honest thing, that pro-life folks have empathy (misplaced to a liberal) for the baby? Hell, no. Liberals claim that we are a bunch of anti-choice nuts who have a stated agenda to attack women's health.

Honesty, shmonesty. Much easier to deflect attention away from the actual, and politically inconvenient, truth. And then find some political opponent to demonize for reasons that make no sense whatsoever. That's liberalism in a nutshell. Admit that social security and medicare need fixing? It's not that you understand 4th grade arithmetic, but rather, you hate old people and sick people! Want our duly constituted immigration laws enforced? You are an anti-Hispanic bigot!
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