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Old 02-19-2016, 09:22 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim these are not new problems terrorism ,Crime they have been around a very long time not just the last 8 year's...

But time and time again these things get packaged as if they showed up Since Obama? the right loves to blame progressives or liberals as if the Republicans have never held the Whitehouse or had any members in congress ...

Then every election cycle they regurgitate How weak we are How our military needs more how tough on crime they are ( currently we have the most combat experienced and ready Military in the world)

And the Democrats regurgitate there own BS as well how things in America are not fair .. Bla Bla Bla

The problem With America there Is no Middle no middle class ! no middle ground !
We have be come a country heading towards the class system ! you stay where you are born rich, middle class or poor ... The American Dream sadly is becoming more of a dream than an actual Concept for success ...

The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, and Equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.[1]
"time and time again these things get packaged as if they showed up Since Obama?"

I have never heard anyone say that either terrorism or street crime, originated under Obama. I will say that the policies Obama endorses, make both of those things worse. He inherited a stable Iraq, pulled out against the advice of many, which allowed ISIS to form, and now that region is far worse off than when he took office. As far as crime goes...we have newly elected liberal mayors in NYC and Chicago...and murders are through the roof. WDMSO, I follow the evidence, and I base my conclusions on evidence, and form my opinions on evidence. Most of our inner cities have been controlled by Democrats for 50 years. It's not working. Look at NYC. In the 1980's, it was a war zone. Rudy Guiliani gets elected, imposes conservative anti-crime principles, and we saw a huge drop in murders - a HUGE drop. Then they elect a liberal twit, who does away with everything Rudy did, and immediately, murders are way up. How else can those facts be interpreted, other than my conclusion that Rudy was right, and Deblasio was wrong? Please tell me, what other conclusion is there? Because I honestly don't get how anyone can deny the reality that's staring us in the face. It's not theory, we have actual, empirical evidence. If muderers went down under Deblasio, I would arrive at a different conclusion...but they didn't, they skyrocketed.

"the right loves to blame progressives or liberals "

I don't think conservatives are always right - not by a long shot. I am pro gay marriage, and I think we need more common sense inour gun laws - not more laws necessarily, but ones that make more sense.

Extremism exists on both sides, and is rarely productive.
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