Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-19-2016, 08:16 AM   #100
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post

This last point in particular raises the largest of theological questions. If Christians really believe every person is created in the image of God, how can we damn a baby who comes from the womb with gender dysphoria? My pediatrician friend puts it this way: “We must believe that even if some people got a lower dose of a chromosome, or an enzyme, or a hormonal effect, that does not mean that they got a lower dose of God’s image.”
Who the heck is damning a baby? If I say "those born with a wee-wee, use the mens room", that is tantamount to condemning babies? This is what liberals do. Instead of responding to what a conservative is saying, they respond to something (evil sounding) that no one ever said. And that's why we are talking about Donald Trump right now, because people are sick of that tactic.

Where in your article does it say, how we prevent true predators from using liberal bathroom policies, to gain access to the ladies room? What's to stop Willie Horton from saying "I am transgender, now please excuse me while I follow your 12 year-old daughter into the ladies room"?

How come no one addresses that? Because that's almost all that matters here. Spence tried to say that states with open bathroom access have seen no spike in these crimes. But (1) he provided no data to support that, and (2) this is a brand-new thing, so obviously we haven't seen the effects yet, and (3) common sense tells me that you cannot open up the ladies room to trannys, without making it easier for perverts to also get in., Are we going to make all men pass a polygraph test before they go into the ladies room, to make sure they are a tranny? Unless we are doing that, how can this idiotic policy not endanger all women?
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