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Old 12-17-2016, 12:05 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
There was this constant warning by some of us that removing the limits of power which the Constitution places on government--regardless of how well intentioned are those who promise us that more power will enable them to better make our lives easier and fuller--there could (probably would) eventually come to power someone who you fear--the boogeyman who you think is not worthy or capable of wielding that unchecked power and thereby doing great damage to us and our way of life.

In response, some said that we had already progressed beyond that outworn piece of paper, which was good for its time, but that we are in a new historical era in which we no longer had to fear government. That we have evolved into a time where unbridled freedom had gone too far and the checks on government needed to be removed in order to impose fairness and justice--all that was needed now was politicians to act responsibly.

Some said they didn't understand the intricacies of how the Constitution worked, or what it really meant. That they were content to leave that up to the politicians, judges, and lawyers. To the real experts. The experts would make it work, as experts do in everything else.

Many said nothing.

It appears, from the fear of Trump being displayed here, that the unexpected boogeyman has arrived. Now, the bigly, badly, tyrant and his henchmen will wield the constitutionally unchecked power that we so willingly gave away for the nice promises of what government would do for us rather than doing it ourselves.

Oh well . . .

But maybe Trump will ignorantly nominate some old-fashioned constitutionalists to the various levels of federal courts, especially the Supreme one. But will you guys be happy with that? And will your Progressive political hero's allow that?

I am confused? do you not have an issue with the russians playing in our election? that is the topic
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