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Old 08-08-2017, 04:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post

Yes, terrible that there would be an official "News Section" from the campaign but for the most part wee still have a Free Press, not something in those other countries you mention. In fact NOTHING like those other countries.

But the current news outlets were just as Pro-Obama as they are Anti-Trump. For one, I would greatly prefer an even baseline of love / hate so we can have a low bias news but that aintgonnahappen.

As for Obama white house and influencing news I have one name: Ben Rhodes

RE: Jobs

Obama created 11 million jobs over 8 years just after the economy lost 8.5 million jobs from 2008-2011, so if you add jobs lost during last year of Bush you are up around 2.5 million net jobs after the recovery.

So over 8 years Obama created 2.5 mil net jobs (at lower wages on average than prior to recession). Trump may do that in 4 but we may have another recession too.

So at best your talking point is that - a talking point, at worst it misrepresents numbers to push a narrative - what we all should be generally against.

fact Obama was given no credit for stock market or Jobs growth..

But Magically trump gets credit from his base for Both .in 1st 6 months ... thats hypocrisy not a talking point
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