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Old 05-07-2018, 09:51 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
and none of it has happened yet.. Apple did not specify the types of jobs that will be part of it its hiring push, such as if the majority will be sales staff at its various Apple stores or if they will be software engineers or technical workers. it matters

Comcast "Roberts also announced that the Company expects to spend well in excess of $50 billion over the next five years investing in infrastructure to radically improve and extend our broadband plant and capacity, and our television, film and theme park offerings," the company added.

But those that take a closer look at Comcast's finances will find that's something that would have occurred anyway.

they planned to do anyway, then claim it was all only possible thanks to Trump and you fall for it PS wages are not up I forgot they are by 4 cents
"and none of it has happened yet"

Tax rates are down, bonuses have been paid, minimum wages have been raised at a lot of places. If you are referring to Apple, no you are correct, they haven't hired 20,000 new people yet. Perhaps that kind of growth takes time to think through and to plan diligently.

"Apple did not specify the types of jobs that will be part of it its hiring push, such as if the majority will be sales staff at its various Apple stores or if they will be software engineers or technical workers. it matters "

Of course it matters. But it's still 20,000 new jobs that didn't exist before. ANYTHING to deflect from the fact that the tax overhaul already did more than Obama's stimulus.

"they (Comcast) planned to do anyway, then claim it was all only possible thanks to Trump "

So the company that owns NBC and MSNBC, the company that signs Rachael Maddow's paychecks, is lying to make Trump look good. That's what you expect me to believe? That just makes ALL KINDS of sense. Please, tell us more about the insider financial information of Comcast. Obviously you are so well-informed...

"PS wages are not up "

Net wages, which are what matter, are up.
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